I'm a terrible person but somehow, for some reason, people still like me

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So remember how I said I'm going on a school trip to East Timor? Didn't think so. Anyway, I've got this travel journal thing and, by the end of the trip, it's going to be filled with so much crack writing it'll be insane.


The title of this is related to a reply I made to a comment I made on Witchcraft. It said I'd possibly have the next chapter up by the end of August. Nope.


More people are going to hate me by the time I finish Invisible Things. My brain has decided to go left, but my heart said "exCUSE ME! BITCH, FUCK THAT SHIT! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK, WE ARE GOING RIGHT! 420 BLAZE IT, FAGGIT!" So then my brain was like "Hey, why don't we go left, and then do a complete 180?" and so my heart agreed. My brain is a heartless bastard. People are going to curse me under their breath for a very long time.

I'm just going to keep procrastinating about this essay. I'm really angry about it, but I just don't know what to write. We have to write a thing about stuff in the Hitchcock movie, Psycho. Either duality or voyeurism. I chose voyeurism because I didn't see any duality in the entire movie, but I did get the sense it was a creepy-ass movie about watching people. But I still don't know what to write.

Also my mum thinks I've done my maths homework. Nahhhh...

GODDAMNIT, I WISH I COULD WRITE FASTER! I want to write the bit in Invisible Things and make people angry NOW, not in a years time or so... Fuck.

Wait what happens when you click upload file...? Pffffft, only works for camera roll. WTF man?


Don't masquerade with the guy in shades.


Kyaaaaaaaaaa, I'm feeling inspired again! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Thanks to seeing one of the new Thor:The Dark World posters, I'm feeling so pumped and ready to get on with Witchcraft. (See if you can find it because DANG SON that's one fine-ass motorbike you got there)

Pretty sure Westlife songs aren't going to make the best background to a bitch-scene.


Aaaahh, I got sent home from school coz I started feeling sick after getting a needle for tetanus and stuff. So now I'm in bed watching Pewds play A Machine For Pigs and Outlast.

As you can kinda tell nothing interesting is going on in my life at the moment.

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