Bucket of Batmen

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*sigh* so I managed to use the "not recommended" cheat that is caqs (complete all quest stages) in Skyrim. That kinda stuffed my game up, so I decided to start a new one, which I feel was totally justified because I HAVE THE NIGHTINGALE ARMOUR!!! And my follower appears to be jealous. And I killed a Dragon Preist. At level 5. And I only died once. So yeah, I'm starting over, completely different. This time I'm a nord, I've tackled the Thieves' Guild first up and I'm going to play a part in the death of Ulfric Stormcloak eventually. My chick's name is Wrym (the w is silent) and is really quite different to Yura to be honest. Although they're both pretty sneaky and stuff. I feel Wrym is more me than Yura was.

I DONT THINK I EVER TOLD ANYONE ABOUT MY FAVOURITE POKEMON! It's Suicune. You can go home now. (Also Ponyta, Linoone, and Celebi. And Torchic. There you go, my ultimate pokemon team, because idegaf bout strategy and whatnot. Oh yeah, and Bulbasaur.)


Okay, who decided that Keith Urban fanfiction was okay..? Carl Urban, sure, but Keith Urban? Country singer, married-to-Nicole-kidman Keith Urban?


I'm so fucking done with this planet, oh my fuck. Justin Beiber could possibly be playing Robin in the Batman vs Superman movie. Justin. Fucking. Beiber. STOP THE PLANET, I WANT TO GET OFF! If DC thinks this is a good move, then I'm fucking done with them. I will never watch another one of their movies or read a comic from them that's been published after 2013 (although Gail Simone's stuff is fantastic). I still don't care about Batfleck but BIEBER IS GOING TOO FAR. THIS YEAR HAS BEEN A TERRIBLE YEAR FOR ROBINS. FIRST DAMIEN, AND NOW THIS. FUCK YOU TOO, DIANE NELSON AND JOHN ROOD. Unless this was WBs decision, which in that case, FUCK YOU KEVIN TSUJIHARA!! YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! I HOPE YOU BURN IN A THOUSAND HELLS! A PLAGUE UPON BOTH YOUR HOUSES! Look, I don't know if you, reader, like Justin bieber, but he acts like a pretentious douchebag all the time and I don't want him playing Dick Grayson. Or Jason Todd (my babbu). Or Tim Drake. Or Damien. And hE ESPECIALLY CAN'T PLAY CARRIE KELLY, LIKE ALL THOSE ASSWIPES HAVE BEEN JOKING ABOUT. It's funny that this happens right after I profess that I am way to attached to the Robins for my own good. Hell, I always thought Chris O'Donnell looked good as Dick. The script for both 90's bat-flicks with Robin in them were terrible, I still didn't mind them all that much. IF THEY WANT JASON TODD IN THE DAMN FILM, I DEMAND I BE IN CHARGE OF CASTING. I don't actually know of that many young actors at the mo, but if they're going for the older look, I vote for Ben Whishaw. Maybe. I DONT KNOW, LET'S JUST GO WITH JENSEN ACKLES SINCE HE DID THE VOICE IN THE CARTOON, OKAY!?!? Sorry, I'm rambling and panicking. I don't want my babies to face utter devastation because of one stupid film. I'm just feeling terrible.


^^ And that's why I should take my tablets everyday.

Gah, I told myself I needed to have a day without Skyrim but I think I'll play it anyway. If anyone asks, I'm playing 2 weeks worth of gameplay in 3 days coz I'm going away and I can't take any type of technology at all.

Reason no. 2 I should take my tablets everyday: So I don't scream while watching Pewdiepie videos. JFC, I'm overreacting so much holy fuck.


Yeah, so Marine Studies Camp was pretty shit. It rained fr pretty much 4 days, 2 people really got on my nerves and needed to be bludgeoned with the fire extinguisher, and the stuff we had to do was boring as arse. This is all I have to say on the subject.

iOS 7 looks like a piece a shit to be honest. I don't want my i-things to look like a fucking android phone, that's why I'm aiming for a windows for fucks sake.


I'm going away tomorrow, so I thought I'd upload this now and confess that yes, I was going to upload the new chapter of Witchcraft, and yes, I ran out of time, BUT I am writing it. AFTER NEARLY A YEAR, THERE DEFINENTLY WILL BE AN UPDATE! HA!

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