Chapter Five

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry this update took me as long as it did but here it is.

Warnings: Angst, death (no gory details tho)


In the end Steve and Peter ended up sleeping together in Alyssa's bed and Bruce and Nat ended up on the trundle. They were practically sleeping on top of one another in order to fit but it worked and they looked adorable. Tony and Clint slept on the blow up mattress which we decided to put beside my bed rather than in the living room. Which means Bucky was sleeping with me. I couldn't sleep though, laying in bed with someone I've met less than twelve hours ago was uncomfortable, but sleeping with someone I met less than twelve hours ago was virtually impossible.

So, instead of sleeping I was on my phone with my brightness all the way down reading Wattpad stories per usual. Just as I was beginning to relax and become tired Bucky rolled over and put his arm around my waist. I didn't hate it, but it was definitely a little uncomfortable. I continued to read for a few minutes until I heard what sounded like a muffled laugh. I put my phone down and listened to see if the noise would happen again. Second later I heard my mom yelling, I pushed Bucky's arm off me and rushed over to my door, in my haste I had woken him up.

"Arabella?" Bucky whispered as I opened the door. I stood in the hall and listened to what was going on, I could hear mom sobbing and yelling while my dad tried to figure out what was wrong with her. 

"Alyssa got in a car accident," she managed to get out between the sobs that seemed to be never ending.

"Is she okay?" my dad  asked concerned.

"No! She's not okay, she's gone, Alyssa's gone," I heard my father begin to cry with my mother as a steady stream of silent tears began to run down my face. I looked towards Alyssa's room and noticed that the screaming must have woken the others up at some point because the light was on and Natasha was looking over at me with concern filled eyes from the doorway. She looked as though she was gonna say something to me but I walked back into my room and shut my door before she could. 

Clint and Tony had somehow managed to sleep through everything but Bucky was up and heard the whole thing. I walked back over to my bed and got back in, he didn't try to say anything to me, he just held me as I quietly sobbed beside him. My older sister was gone.


Word Count: 450ish

Ok. That's it guys. I'm sorry its so short but my laptops dying and I don't know where the charger is right now. I'm gonna try to either post another small chapter this weekend or one of my normally sized chapters, it all depends on what I have time for really. Anyways, how was it? Did you guys like it? 

-Upside Down

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