Chapter Three

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So I should be doing school work but I need a brain break and what better way to take a break than to write a new chapter?



After meeting my mates the day seemed to go by much quicker than it had been before. By the time my shift ended I could barely sit still and my mind was running a mile a minute. Sooner than what I thought was possible I was on my way to The Claw to meet back up with my mates. I walked down the main path passing by the other rides and quickly arriving at The Claw and finding my seven newly found mates already standing by it and waiting for me expectantly. There was one moment where I debated whether or not I should actually approach them or if I should go straight out the employee exit, but then the tall man with long hair, Bucky, made eye contact with me and I knew I had to go to them now. I walked towards them slowly and awkwardly.

"Hello," I said quietly.

"Hi," Peter said back just as awkwardly while the others around us chuckled. 

"Ok, so I was thinking I could sneak one of you out of the employee exit and we can all drive to my place, the person who comes with me can send you the address so you can use a GPS," I said feeling a little more confident than I had seconds before. "Alright so...uh....Peter right?" I asked the youngest of my mates.

"Yeah, I'm Peter," he said just as awkwardly as he had said hello.

"Okay, so since you look like the youngest of all of you, you will look the most like a person who works here so I'll be able to get you through the exit pretty easily," as I finished saying that I took my bookbag off and grabbed my Hershey Park issued windbreaker and handed it to Peter. "So, just put this on," I reached down and took my ID off my belt loop and handed him that. "And your going to hold that in your hand and just act like everything is normal, like you do this everyday, got it?" I asked him.

"Yeah, yeah I've got it," Peter said as he began pulling the wind breaker down over his head.

"You know there was a zipper in the front right? You could have just unzipped it and threw it on, you didn't need to pull it over your head," I told the blushing boy. He simply scratched the back of his head and gave me an awkward smile while everyone else laughed.

"What's your address kid?" Tony asked me. 

"I do believe I already said that I would have Peter send it to you in a text, but if you really need to know right this second its 4111 Roslyn Street, its roughly a thirty minute drive from here, but you guys have to go out the same way as every other person leaving the park right now so it will probably take you forty to fifty minutes to get there," I said slightly annoyed. "Anyways, I need to clock out so lets go Peter," I said before turning around and walking towards the employee exit. 

Peter rushed to catch up to me and followed me in awkward silence as we passed by the security guard that was stationed at the exit.

"Is the security guard why I needed to wear the jacket?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, guests aren't supposed to go out the employee exits, can you hand me my ID, I need it to clock out."

"Oh, yeah of course," Peter stuttered out.

"Thanks Peter." Peter was a blushing mess as he handed over my ID. I reached into the booth and pressed the clock out button before I swiped my card and was officially off the clock and free for the night. We continued to walk to my car in a now comfortable silence before the aforementioned silence was broken by one very excited giant that goes by the name of Emily.

"Arabella! What are you doing tonight? Whose the new guy?" Emily said happily.

"Hello Emily, the new guy isn't really a new guy, he is my mate and I snuck him out of the employee entrance, tonight I am hanging out at my house with my new mates. What are you doing tonight?" I said.

"Well I was gonna ask you to-WAIT WHAT? YOU FOUND YOUR SOUL MATES? ALL OF THEM?" Emily screeched making me go temporarily deaf in my right ear.

"Why yes I did Emily, I found all seven of my soul mates today at Music Express, they rode it together, this," I said gesturing towards Peter, "is Peter...I don't know actually, Peter what's your last name?" I asked.

"Oh uh its Parker, Peter Parker," He mumbled shyly.

"Alrighty then, Emily, this is my mate Peter Parker. Peter Parker this is my friend Emily Whelks." 

"Hello Peter its nice to meet you," Emily said in her customer service voice which I much prefer to her screeching voice. 

"Its nice to meet you too Emily," Peter said a little more confidently than the first time he had spoken around her. 

"Anyways, we have to go," I said as I took the last step to my car and opened the door, "text me later Emily, okay?"

"Okay, I'll send you a text once I'm home, see you tomorrow," Emily said as she waved and walked away. With that both me and Peter got in the car and began the drive home.


Word Count: 909


Hey everyone, I'm early this time! I was extra motivated to write today after the recent votes and views I've gotten, so basically, everyone whose been reading motivated me to post a new chapter. Like always, thank you all for reading the new chapter and I hope to have a new one posted within the next week! Oh also, please leave any critics or complements in my comments, I love communicating with you guys!


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