Chapter Two

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Authors note:

I didn't explain in the last chapter and I'm not sure I will be able to find a good way to fit it in, but, Steve, Tony, and everyone are there to celebrate Peter's birthday. He wanted to go to Hershey Park to celebrate because he had never been there before. Also I think I may have said somewhere that she is a newly turned seventeen year old but I don't know where, anyways, she is from her on out like two months away from being eighteen.


I sat frozen as my newly found soulmates were whipped around the ride. On around the third cycle I noticed that as they would pass by they would all look in my direction in order to catch a quick glimpse of me. My heart beat sped up once again as the ride began to slow down and creep to a stop. I don't think I had ever felt this nervous in my life. The ride finally stopped so I pressed the exit speech and released the restraint system. 

The beautiful red haired woman and the boy with the brown messy hair were the first two out of their seats, and if I thought they would stop starring for even a few seconds as they got out of their seats I was wrong. It didn't take the others long to get out of their seats and start walking towards me. I starred blankly as they stopped in front of the enclosed booth that I was currently sitting in, starring at them like an idiot of course because my brain is too stupid to work properly. It wasn't until one of the tall ones, one with long dark hair and blue eyes, knocked gently on the glass door of the booth that I actually stood up and opened it in order to properly speak to them. 

"Um...can I help you?" I said quite awkwardly. The man who had knocked and a shorter blond man both chuckled at my awkward behavior.

"Yeah, I think you can," the taller blond man said before looking at my name tag, "Hello Arabella, its a pleasure to meet you, my name is Steve Rogers. And this is Bucky, Clint, Bruce, Natasha, Tony, and Peter," Steve said while pointing to each person in turn. I looked around and noticed a small line forming while my coworker looked at me questionably.

"Ok, so like, we all already know that we're soulmates or whatever, but my shift doesn't end for another couple of hours and a line is forming. So, how about we meet in front of The Claw at eight when my shift ends?" I said nervously after running my hand through my hair.

"Ok, we'll see you at eight then," the red haired woman, Natasha, said to me. With that they all turned to leave, the younger boy, Peter, smiling at me before he turned around. 


So...its been over a week. Sorry! I'm a full time student with a part time job so it can be really hard to find times to write. Its a short chapter and its kind of bad but I'm trying. Also, I'm really bad at writing in first person so I'll probably be switching to second or third person in the next chapter. Thank you for reading!

Word count with authors notes: 521

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