38| Release

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The turbulence of the airplane ride could not even shake me from the worry I was feeling.

I called Jimin but ge refused to disclose any information about what was happening to Hajoon unless I talked to him in person.

The plane ride was quiet and awkward. Lisa had attempted to console me but I refused any coddling or pitiful acts towards me from anyone.

I couldn't sleep. All I could do was worry and drown in worry.

Eventually, we touched down in Seoul and I didn't think twice and called Jennie to get my car to the airport. I didn't bother with my luggage as soon as the car arrived and drove to the hospital.

Jungkook and Lisa decided to come with us and I didn't bother asking because my goal was to get to the hospital and understand what was happening to my son.

As soon as I set foot in the hospital, Jimin was already waiting for me. He gave out a half-hearted smile then said, "I'm glad to see your back here in one piece."

I shook my head then said, "Let's skip the pleasantries, I'm not here for that anyways, tell me what's wrong with Hajoon."

Jimin nodded, understanding the serious intent of my arrival and said, "Follow me."

I nodded and I followed him through the hospital halls with Lisa, Jungkook, and Jennie trailing behind me. Eventually, we arrived at the same ICU that Hajoon was already in but was met with something different.

I witnessed how my son had even more machines hooked up to him.  I already knew what it meant but I wanted to hear from Jimin himself. Jimin saw the urgent look in my eyes and so he began to explain, "Hajoon is on life support now-"

"Well yes, I can see that Park Jimin! I am more concerned as to why he has to have life support in the first place!," I blurted out, half in anguish and half in irritation.

Jimin deeply sighed and said, "While you were away in London, Hajoon suffered multiple seizures and when I was trying to contact you he went into cardiac arrest."

"I tried reaching you but you wouldn't answer so I called Lisa instead," Jimin explained but only anger boiled inside of me as I said, "I constantly texted you for updates to ask you if he was fine and long behold he wasn't this whole time!".

"Look Haewon, I didn't want you to worry you too much and distract you from your research," Jimin tried to defend himself but nothing he could say could calm my anger.

"That was not your decision to make! I can choose my own battles Jimin! And distract me from my research?! Well gee! What's the point of my research if my son is in this state?!," I yelled, "He's brain-dead isn't he? That's why he's on life support."

"Haewon...," Jimin said as he moved to comfort me but I slapped away his arm and said, "Don't you dare come near me! Don't you dare Park Jimin! Now tell me, how long does my son have to live?"

Jimin clearly hesitated as he said, "Haewon I'm going to need you to calm down first-"

"Nothing can calm me down Jimin!," I yelled at him to interrupt, "Nothing you can possibly we do can. CALM. ME. DOWN. No amount of fussing or reassuring words can help remove the growing anger in me so tell me how much time Hajoon has left or I will make you!"

Jimin seemed to understand the distress I was in and said, "Haewon the machines can only keep him alive for at most 2 weeks and there's even a possibility that he might not make it to even 2 weeks."

The anger in me turned to utterly excruciating pain that was slowly eating me in the inside. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, doing my best to maintain my composure.

"Get Eunwoo in this room," I said calmly but everyone else in the room can tell that there was firmness to what I said. Jimin nodded to show that he had acknowledged my request and left the room.

Jennie gave me an unsure look as she said, "Boss.....do you need some coffee or I could drop by to get you some food, there's a really nice café that's not too far from here-"

I placed my palm in the air to gesture her to stop and said, "I'll be fine Jennie, just ask the staff at Kyong Laboratories to text you some updates about the company."

Jennie nodded and texted away on her phone. Lisa then said, "Jungkook and I can leave-"

"No, stay, I want my husband to feel every bit of the shame that he deserves," I angrily said and as if on cue, Jimin came in with Eunwoo in a wheelchair, looking much healthier than before.

Eunwoo's eyes widened in surprise as he caught sight of me and immediately said, "Haewon! Love! I missed you-"

"Well I didn't," I said to cut him off. "Oh and quit trying to suck up to me, I heard that call loud and clear," I said, fury dripping with every word, "You've made it very clear that I am just a ticket for you to a life of complete luxury and convenience, are you happy about not telling me your sickness either?! Cause guess what! You passed it down to our son!"

I laughed ruefully then said, "You....you..I trusted you, I trusted that I could have a happy life with you but it turns out that our marriage is just a web of lies! Did you even love me?!"

Angry waterfalls of tears flowed from my eyes as I awaited his answer. He tried to reach out to me but I backed away as he said, "Of course, I learned to love you Haewon, I grew to love you-"

"Wow! You tell me about this like it's the most amazing thing you can give me!," I said, "Well guess what?! Your so-called growing love for me is not enough to save Hajoon nor salvage our already dying relationship because of your lies!"

"Haewon please, we can still save Hajoon-," Eunwoo tried to reason but I quickly retaliated, "No he cannot be saved Eunwoo! His brain is dead and these damn machines are breathing for him! Are you happy now Cha Eunwoo that you finally f*cked up my life!"

"Of course not Haewon! Why would I ever be proud of anything that can hurt you-," he tried to defend himself again but I was quick to interject, "Oh wow! Your acting is so good that you almost had me convinced there. They should give you a Daesang for your amazing acting."

Deciding to ignore Eunwoo I looked at my son, Hajoon. His skin was deathly pale that he could've been likened to a corpse at this point. Sorrowful tears welled in my eyes as I said to Jimin, "Jimin pull the plug."

"What?! No! We can still save him!," Eunwoo said as he tried to stop Jimin despite being in a wheelchair. I pushed him back and said, "What part of brain dead do you not understand?! Hajoon can no longer fend for himself because the most vital part of his nervous system is dead!"

Eunwoo reeled back because of my rageful voice as I continued to say, "I'm not gonna watch these machines delay the inevitable, Hajoon is already dead but thess machines are onky delaying him from being declared dead Eunwoo!"

"I hope you enjoyed breaking my heart Cha Eunwoo," I calmly said as I watched Jimin slowly turn off the machines and the heart rats monitod completely flatlined.

A different kind of sadness welled inside of me. I looked at Eunwoo who was wailing and crying like there was no tomorrow but all I felt was numb. I watched as Jimin declared the time of death of Hajoon while Lisa and Jungkook looked at the scene completely horrified.

Something lit in me as I said, "I am tired of everyone hurting me, I am tired of getting my heart broken, I am tired of losing people I care about, and I am tired of getting used by people, I'm tired of being everyone's puppet."

"Losing Hajoon was the last straw," I firmly declared.

I looked to Jennie and said with no regrets, "Jennie- find me a lawyer. I'm getting a divorce."

 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now