40| Finale

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I was standing in front of my private plane again. The wind whisking my long raven hair away from my face. I felt a shiver as the cold wind hit my neck sending the sensation down my spine.

I was on the tarmac again, standing in my old wornout sneakers from when I was younger. I grew tired of the heels and the formal attire, I was still in my late 20s and yet I felt like I have lived a lifetime.

Love, the word felt like a memory now. Being a high school student felt like it was just yesterday. My naivety still in the back of my head.

A wistful smile grew on my face as I remembered the tight black skinny jeans I always insisted on wearing. I remembered all my rebellious moments, opting to wear the most casual thing I could find to a fine dining restaurant, earning my mother's wrath.

I knew I was alone at the tarmac, the airplane staff were in the plane and were waiting for me to board, yet I heard a different set of footsteps behind me.

I didn't expect anyone to be here. It was the break of dawn and the airport was relatively quiet, especially in the private departures area.

I turned around and saw him.

I saw Jungkook. The rising sun hit his delicate and still youthful features. Seconds pass but it felt like minutes as I take him in, struggling to comprehend that he isn't just a picture I keep on my phone or a memory I keep in my head and that he was real.

My brain could barely formulate a thought with the sight of him. I had been rendered speechless many times in my life but this was different. It was different because I never thought I'd ever see him again. I feel like my atoms would tear each other part if I didn't move to touch him but I kept my restrain.

I stopped myself from being too forward because I was still unsure of his intentions. I smiled at his new hair and commented, "I like your new undercut, looks like you from high school, kind of nostalgic."

"Really, are you gonna reject my advances again, just like in high school?," he humored earning a chuckle from me then making me say, "Well I was blaming you before for my dad's death."

Jungkook's face grew somber so it made me say, "Too soon?" He nodded and I found myself taking a step towards him as I asked, "Why are you here Jungkook?"

"Because I love you and I don't want you to leave me, I don't want to let you go again Haewon," Jungkook confessed, "Loving you at first, was so quiet, it was a quiet emotion, and as time passed, loving you became the oxygen I breathe, it was so quiet that I didn't feel it so strongly until you were gone, you were my lifeline and I've been roaming this earth.....breathless....lifeless without you."

Tears filled my eyes at his words but I didn't know what to say. It was as if the words I were hearing were the words I've been wanting to hear for a long time.

"Others tell me that still being in love with you after all these years was a cruel spell you had on me but I say they are wrong," he continued to say, his features scrunching as tears also began to form in his doe-like eyes.

"I say they're wrong because even when I was hurting, I loved you, I loved you, I love you and I will continue love you because I am....I am not bewitched by you....I'm just simply in love with you," he confessed as tears finally fell from his eyes, "God......I'm so in love with you Haewon, I can't look at other women the way I look at you."

Jungkook was rendered frozen, he did not take any steps to move closer to me but his words made it feel like he was holding me so close. He continued to speak passionately that my heart seemed to beat even faster, "Even just a look from you makes my breath hitch, my knees feel weak and I realize that without you, I just feel weak and I always feel like a part of me is missing."

His eyes softened as he started to read my expression, maybe he sensed my hesitance since he said, "I know I have no right to ask this much of you, you have gone through a lot and you have every right to want to be alone right now but I....I'm asking you to just consider what I want to offer you."

"Haewon, you are the only girl I'll ever want, I will always love the raven haired girl even when seasons change her," he confessed, finally taking steps towards me. I sensed his eagerness as he took my hands in his.

His touch was electric, like I had finally found my soulmate. Better yet, like I had been finally reunited with my soulmate. His fingers traced my jawline and his free hand snaked its way to the small of my back, earning a gasp that breathlessly left my mouth.

Jungkook then said, "I love you like the sky loves the birds, with open hands and infinite freedom."

He pressed his forehead against mine and continued to say, "But....I'm not perfect, even if I am not perfect I would still give it my all to show you how empty my life is without you.......you can hurt me, you can curse me all you want but no amount of profanities or pain can lessen my love for you."

I had barely touched him all these years yet I allowed him to place an ever soft kiss on the tip of my nose making my heart swell with affection. He moved to whisper in my ear, his breath leaving a soft trail of small sensations on my cheek.

Gently, he whispered, "They say that there are many ways I can man die.....but, I will only truly die if I live a lifetime without your love." Without missing a beat, he left a soft kiss on the skin near my ear making my heart beat even faster.

I couldn't take it anymore, I cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer. My lips brushed his, softly, delicately, like the beating of butterfly wings or perhaps like the light touch of a falling feather.

I brushed my lips against his just long enough to inhale his breath, feel the warmth of his skin. Then without abandon I kissed him, I thought I wanted to just give him a soft sweet kiss but somehow my body longed for him more than I could ever imagine.

I kissed his lips with the utmost fervor, tasting his usual morning coffee. A hint of the spice of cinammon and the bitter bite of pure black coffee.

I have kissed him before but this was the perfect kiss. This moment right now, his lips on mine, his hands on my waist and my hands cupping his sharp jaw was nothing short of perfect.

It was the perfect kiss because I had closed my eyes just to feel it fully, to feel the sensations and the emotions without having to see him.

In that kiss was the sweetness of passion, years of longing, and a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment.

My heart beat against my chest so eagerly because in his kiss I felt at home.

I pulled away and opened my eyes to look at his doe-like ones. The look on his face was nothing short of affection.

Finally, I spoke,

"I love you Jeon Jungkook and I will forever burn in the flaming passion of my love for you that my heart will be forever lit by a raging inferno of my passion for you........

I'm sorry it took so long to realize that our hearts only beat for each other, hearts that burn for each other so bright that they became inferno hearts that burned for each other as long as mortality allows them."


From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for supporting this rewrite of Badboy vs. Badgirl.

Have a lovely day ARMY 💜

 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now