31: Secrets

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I wasn't sure how long I had been staring at the hospital floor. I was not really sure what to do anyways. Images of my unconcious husband ran through my head like a never-ending movie.

Thankfully Jennie offered to watch over Hajoon while I was here because I don't know how I'll break the news if something happened to my son if something bad happened to Eunwoo. I then felt a light tap on my shoulder and saw Jimin with a stoic look on his face.

He then said, "Your husband is awake."

I nodded and I walked with Jimin to Eunwoo's private hospital room and when I arrived there, my heart wreched at the sight. He looked deathly pale and his under eyes were red. He looked at me but with a forlorn look in his eyes but I couldn't bring myself to comfort him until I got some answers.

I looked to Jimin, determined to keep a calm demeanor, and asked, "What's the diagnosis?"

Jimin sighed deeply as if he didn't want to be the one breaking the news. He then gestured to a chair and said, "You might want to sit down for this."

"Sit down?! Do I look like I have time to sit down?! Tell me what the f*ck is making my husband sick so I'll pay for his damn treatment!," I said in built-up frustration, "I have been sitting for hours....waiting for the news so I'm not sitting on another f*cking chair."

Jimin was taken aback by my outburst but nonetheless he said, "Alright, I won't force you to sit down and I'll tell you now that your husband is suffering from Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia."

"How long?," I asked and Jimin looked at me with widened eyes and said, "Don't you want to know what it is first?"

"I know what it is dammit! I know what the f*ck that disease is, I have a degree in biology that is related to healthcare so I can run my f*cking company Park Jimin! I know what that damn disease is! So tell me, how long?!," I said as I moved to grab Jimin by the collar in frustration but found myself clenching my fists on my dress, restraining myself.

"Well it's a type of leukemia that is treatable but cannot be cured and common in adults and is usually stable for years but........," he said but I cut him off, "I SAID HOW LONG?!"

"Well based on the tests, his leukemia has been unstable for over a year now and based on his hospital records, no treatment has been done," Jimin said, doing his best to stifle back a somber tone but not even a monotonous news telling could ease my emotions.

"What stage Jimin......what stage of leukemia is he in?," I asked as I tried to convince myself it was not as bad as it was but then Jimin said, "Stage IV."

I looked at Eunwoo, my eyes stinging with tears as I angrily asked, "Did you know?"

He looked at me ruefully and he was hesitating to answer and I couldn't help but yell, "I'M ASKING YOU A QUESTION SO ANSWER IT! Did..You..Know?! and don't you dare lie to me!"

"I knew," he said softly and I felt a mix emotions. Sadness. Anger. Pain.

As I tried to take in his answer he said, "You have to understand love-"

"HELL NO! You don't get to call me love! You've been lying to me this whole time! What will Hajoon do now huh?! You want him to grow up fatherless?!," I yelled and to my surprise, anger grew on his face.

 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now