18: Dooly

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I sighed then said, "You better take me to a place where there's some good coffee and food.......and you're paying too."

"Okay Ms. Demanding, seems like your blunt personality never left you, it was only your style that did," he teased and I rolled my eyes and said, "Less talking more walking."

He laughed at my frustration then said, "No can do, nothing you can do can make me shut up."

"Oh yeah?," I taunted, "Try this for a change."

Seeing that no one else was in the hallways because it was still pretty early, I grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them to a nearby wall. I closed the distance between us until our lips were inches apart.

I smirked as I felt his breath quicken and his body tremble under my grip. He was speechless so I said, "What was that again? Nothing I can do can make me shut you up?"

I laughed as I let him go then said, "Seems like all I needed to do was get close to you, tch...men."

"It's not fair, you know you're hot so it's easy for you to make men feel speechless," he pointed out, "And besides, you're pretty flirty for someone who's engaged, I don't think your fiancé will be happy with what you're doing."

"Do you not know how business engagements work or do I have to lecture you on how the two of us are just really acting," I said mindlessly making me cover my mouth right after when I realized what I just said.

"Forget I said anything," I mentioned and he laughed then said, "Seems like you have a lot on your mind and no one to share it to, no wonder you're always so tense."

"Why don't you talk to me then? I've been told I'm a good listener," he suggested as we both left the university premises to go to whatever food place he's taking me to.

"Yeah right, you're literally part of Jungkook's close friend group," I said, "Next thing I know you tell Jungkook everything I told you."

"What makes you think I'm a snitch?," he reasoned and I shrugged then said, "I'll give you 10 seconds to convince me to talk to you."

He smirked then said, "Simple, you can't bear the weight of your worries on your own anymore and clearly you either tell someone or you spiral into a crippling depression."

I was about to argue that he had wasted his chance to convince me but I couldn't knowing he had hit me straight on.

The perfect psychological bullseye.

I sighed and said, "Fine but before we talk can we please eat first and get me a triple shot espresso."

He curtly nodded then said, "Don't worry you're not the only one starving."

Around almost half an hour later, we finally got our fill and Jimin eagerly opened the topic again by saying, "So are you finally going to tell me why you went from looking like you listen to Metallica to a Plain Jane."

"My mother sent me away to London because I refused to get engaged to Jungkook like she had planned," I admitted and he shrugged then said, "Jungkook basically told us you left but I didn't realize it was because of this, actually, more importantly, why did you refuse? I can tell that you actually have feelings for the guy."

He then continued to say, "Imagine my surprise when I found out that you're the same girl from his childhood, fate must really have its ways."

"It's circumstances not fate, and I'm surprised Jungkook fills you in with a lot of personal details in his life," I retorted and he gave a small smile then said, "Because we're his support system, he acts all tough but he's a massive softie on the inside, and you still haven't answered my question by the way, why did you refuse the engagement?"

"It's because my mother wanted me to ruin him and I didn't want to, I know he indirectly caused my father's death but.....," I said as I stared off into the distance finding it hard to speak what was truly in my mind and in my heart.

"And what?," he asked but still I felt stiff and unwilling to say it despite the fact that I knew that carrying this weight was slowly tearing me apart.

Out of nowhere I felt his hand on top of mine as his thumb run soothing circles on it. I looked to him in surprise and he gave me a reassuring smile then said, "It's alright Haewon, just take your time, I barely know you but these kinds of things are really hard to open up about so it's okay."

I gave him a grateful smile then took a deep breath. I looked at him then brought myself to say, "I know that my father would never forgive me if I ruined Jungkook, and either way I would be lying to myself If I said I hated him because he loved me in a way that no one else couldn't."

"So why did you cut him off when you went to London? Why did you let him go and choose to get engaged with another guy?," Jimin intrudingly asked and I simply replied, "Because being with me will hurt him, being with me will tear him apart, being with me will never make him happy."

"Don't you think that maybe you pushing away is hurting him more?," he suggested and I shook my head and said, "Clearly you haven't met my mother, I used to fight back but then I realized that she had the money and the power not me, I'm merely her puppet."

"Even then, Jungkook's family has that too, you have to know that they adore you, Jungkook once told me that when your father died, they wanted to take you and your mother in but your mother angrily refused, they loved you Haewon," he explained and I felt a warmth grow in my heart.

Yet, I didn't want that warmth to stay so I quickly said, "It doesn't matter because with what I've become, I am now just a very hard person to love so I'd rather enter a marriage with Eunwoo where we find each other tolerable and can easily compromise than......"

"Than what?," Jimin asked and I replied, "Than ever entering a relationship with Jungkook which will just be filled with misplaced passion that can only end in disaster."

Unable to contain the strong emotions that ran through my body, I hastily left Jimin and decided to head back to the campus.

I thought I could finally have some time alone until I felt a hand grab my wrist and turn me around.

I then saw Jimin with determination in his eyes as he said, "Stop running away from your feelings Haewon, you're only hurting yourself, you may think you're hard to love but if somehow someone like me can care about how you feel then how much more Jungkook."

"Jimin what are you implying-," I said as I felt a tinge of shock because of what he was insinuating but he cut me off, "It doesn't matter what I'm implying, what matters right now is that you can't give up on Jungkook, you know deep down that you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you give up on him now."

I felt my eyes tear up at the thought and Jimin's expression soften as he said, "Gosh dangit Haewon, why do you have to get all soft on me like that.....c'mere."

He then pulled me into a warm hug and said, "Promise me you won't give up on him, it's not only for his own good but also for yours."

I deeply sighed then said, "I'll think about it."

 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now