39| Mettle

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No one's POV

Crisp air filled the very penthouse that Haewon used to live in. A wave of painful memories hit her as she looked at every piece of furniture that held a memory.

She remembered how she first held Hajoon when he was but a small infant and she remembered when he first walked. Those memories seem to no longer bring her pain. It had been a year since her son died and at the same time, she had to go through brutal divorce trials.

Looking at the penthouse she used to live in was something she had never thought of doing ever since Hajoon died, but time seemed to change her mind. Coming back was the poetic end to her fever dream like life with Eunwoo.

As if on cue she heard foot steps behind her revealing Eunwoo with a tired look on his face. His hair had grown long and disheveled. Stubble lined his jawline making it look less sharp. A longing look on his eyes as he looked at Haewon while holding a familiar piece of paper.

Haewon's face was unreadable as she looked at Eunwoo. Maybe it was because she wanted to be enigmatic in front of him, after all, she wants to wash her hands clean of any affection for the man.

She stared him down, saying, "I don't have all day, I'm sure you have a pen on you, sign the papers Eunwoo."

The man shook his head, unable to let go of the striking woman before him. Not much has changed about Haewon's appearance. She still had her long raven black hair and her pale skin. But Eunwoo knew there was something different about her, she looked like she was more comfortable with herself.

He could tell that she was, in a way, at peace but there was clear pain that riddled her features. Eunwoo knew he messed up, this amazing woman cared for him and damn all the money in the world, he would give anything to get her back.

Eunwoo found himself kneeling in front of Haewon, begging her, "Haewon, please, don't make me sign this, I'll do anything to make it up to you."

Haewon could smell that he reeked of alcohol. She hated it but she kept her cool as she said, "There is nothing you can do that will salvage our relationship, you used me, the very thing I wished you wouldn't do but you did it anyways."

Eunwoo began to sob uncontrollably but Haewon continued to speak, "Even if you do find a way to make it up to me, which I highly doubt will ever happen, you're never going to make me happy, I'll never be happy with you."

He harshly wiped away his tears and asked, "You're saying that because you still love Jungkook, don't you?"

Haewon sighed in disappointment and berated the sobbing man, "You still don't get it do you? I want a divorce because you messed up Eunwoo! You messed up! You're a slave to money and your parent's expectations."

"What, Haewon please-," Eunwoo begged but she interrupted him, "Oh please, stop trying to make excuses, jist sign the damn papers Eunwoo, I'm asking you one simple thing and yet you can't do it."

Eunwoo stood up and looked at her with complete anguish as he said, "It's not simple Haewon, what you're asking me to do is not simple at all."

She raised her brow at his claim and asked, "Go on then, tell me why it isn't simple, I mean what's the point of having divorce trials if it's still not going to be simple when you just have to sign the papers.....go on then, I'll humor you."

Eunwoo couldn't help but gently touch her arm and say, "It's because I love you Haewon, I do, I can't just let you go, I know we can work through this, you and me, we're meant to work through this together."

To Eunwoo's surprise, Haewon doubled over in laughter making him ask, "What's so funny? I was being sincere Haewon, don't you believe me?"

Haewon couldn't help but give it to straight to him, "What you said was some textbook bullsh*t, love me? Ha! I'm going to need an explanation Eunwoo because honestly, all I hear are lies."

 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now