26: The Last Dance

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The reception eventually came and I would be lying if I said I was enjoying it.

Champagne flowed like drinking water and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and cheerful banter.

All I could do was suffer through this whole ordeal for the appearances. My parents forced me to attend this wedding to make it look like there was no bad blood between our companies but the sight just makes me sick to my stomach.

I really want to believe that her smiles were forced but truly she looked happy to be in this wedding. She looked happy to be the bride.

She looked happy to be his bride.

And I'm just here, downing every champagne filled glass that comes my way because only alcohol can dull my pain at this point.

I then painfully watched as she clung onto his arm while they make rounds with the guests. Happily exchanging laughters with other guests. Smiles like the ones you'd see on magazines.

The atmosphere was supposedly happy but all it did was put an unbearable weight on me. Slowly crushing my soul. I did my best to tune out the happiness of the people around me by listening to the waves crash on the beach where the reception is being held.

I was so fixated on trying to tune out this whole reception that it took me a while to realize that someone was already tapping my shoulder. I eventually looked to see who it was and saw that it was Lisa, with a worried look on her face.

She took the champagne glass out of my hand then set it aside and said, "You certainly look out of it, enjoy the party Jungkook, I'm sure Haewon and Eunwoo would want to see you enjoy."

She then plucks an appetizer from a waiter passing by and says, "I mean look at these mini quiches, don't they just look adorable?! And they taste good too."

Lisa was right with one thing, I was really out of it and I didn't want to deal with her cheerfulness so I said, "Look, Lisa, if you feel like you want to party it up then go do it by yourself, I'm not in the mood."

Before she could respond, I saw a waitress passing by with a tray of champagne flutes and grabbed one then downed the drink in one go.

Despite my clear attempts of showing her that I was not interested, she extended her hand and said, "Alright then, if you're going to be so damn uptight, then why don't you bring that frustrations to the dance floor."

Reluctantly, I took her hand and decided to dance with her as the string quartet in the background played some waltz-like music.

I had nothing else better to do anyways so I decided to join her in the dance floor. She placed my hand on her waist, her hand on my shoulder while our other free hands intertwined with each other as we moved across the dance floor.

To my surprise, I came to enjoy the dancing despite my distinct hate for the event.

I will not lie, the dance started awkward. We were shuffling uneasily from side to side but eventually when I pulled her closer so I could easily match her movements, the fluid heat of the moment seemed to flow through our bodies and passion burst as I dipped her and brought her back for us to glide around the dance floor in graceful movements.

Suddenly I felt more conscious of the hand that I had on her waist and our hands that were laced through each other. I became wary of the people that were staring but somehow it slowly faded away with each coordinate step I took with her.

Everything was going so well with Lisa and I really thought that I could find myself enjoying something amidst my heartbreak when suddenly the hired host for the reception exclaimed out of nowhere, "I see you lovely couples are enjoying the dance floor but why don't we switch things up a bit and switch partners with the couple next to you."

 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now