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Angsty boys

Timetraveler Race confronting someone powerful

Based off of Neil Cross's from Doctor Who, I use the exact words from that but I do not take credit for the speech, while the actual writing around it is all mine. The speech isn't, as in the words that Race, or the 'Timetraveler' says

Lets begin, my doves


The world seemed to still around them, a long looming purple cloak that covered his face, sparkles of magic floated by the tall man. His long locks tugged back into a ponytail that laid hidden. His life taken from him by the power of time travel.

Slowly losing himself as well.

Here he stood, staring at the man who leaned against the wall, scars littering his face as he glared stone hard at the timetraveler. Dark brown locks framed his face, a faint stubble on his chin and his lavasly green eyes glared as if the timetraveler was a problem to this universe.

The timetraveler bent down, grabbing the broken mask on the floor and raised it to the mad man "Can you hear them?" He hummed, his voice merely a whisper to the world. His eyes shining behind the mask that hid his face perfectly "All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment?" He hummed, lowering the mask in his hand to look at the madman once more.

The madman just let out a annoyed grunt in reply, keeping his gaze harshly on the timetraveler, who went on, his voice almost as beautiful as a song bird that sang into the morning skies.

"All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves, sacrificed themselves to you." He nearly hummed out, his gaze fixated on the man in front of him who was still holding a axe tightly in his left hand. The timetraveler stood back to his full height and he continued on.

"Can you hear them singing?" The timetraveler asked, watching as the madman grunted in annoyance and kicked off the wall, but didn't move otherwise. Just glaring harshly at the timetraveler still, whos words sang a story that was once never told, only to be sang out beautifully, like a eagle who first spread its giant wings to take its flight to the neverlands.

"Oh you like to think you're a god, but....... you're not a god. You're just a parasite." The timetravelers voice carried the words like they were as priceless as gold. His eyes glowing a light gold underneath the darkness of his hood that masked his beautiful face.

"Eaten with jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of others, you feed on them." The timetraveler nearly hummed the words, they were true. All the mad man had done was cause suffering, considering himself a god. In control of the world around him, glory filling him as the blood pulsated on his blades as he would stand in the battle field.

"The memory of love," He had killed a couples hopes and dreams, thethering them apart. One believing that a kid was to blame and he needed to be eliminated, the other believing that the same kid had gone through to much, to save him. "and loss," A young man who would sit on the docks with his old friend, fishing while their laughs rang out but then she was gone. Leaving the now older man to fish alone, as his brown locks fell down his face. Wearing a blue plaid shirt while a small little boy ran and played behind him.

"and birth," A small squealing figure rested in a young womans arms as she leaned on her husband. Her long dark hair pulled back with a purple bow as she looked back up to the brown haired man who smiled happily back at her and their child. "and death," Rain ran down on their figures, and a blonde stood over a casket which held a young man, whos eyes were closed and his body cold and unmoving, his tears followed into the rain, a endless cry seemed to rip from his chest as he fell to the ground. The lost of a loved one weighing on him.

"and joy," Laughter rang around the home, three kids wrestling on the couch while a dark skinned woman watched as a boy with a limp, a boy stained in paint, and a boy with a wonderful mind of his own screamed and laughed together, brothers in all but blood. "and sorrow." Cries rang out from a young mans throat, holding the now cold hand of the plump woman who had faded like time itself, her last words still lingering in the air, like a deep wind.

"So..." The timetravel's voice fell to a whisper before it went deeper and harsher "So. Take mine." He hissed, taking a step forward to the madman whos grip on the iron axe hardened. "Take my memorys." He hissed, watching as the madman raised his axe as he still spoke "I hope you've got a big appetite." As the axe came crashing down, the timetravler grabbed the handle and saved himself before the axe hit his body, speaking as he pushed it away from his face, his voice distoring a little "Because I've lived-" He pushed the madman away fully. "-a long life,"

His hood fell back, revealing his long locks of hair, his golden blue eyes staring at the madman, he watched as the man backed up a few steps in shock as his blow was blocked, listening as the timetraveler carried on "And I've seen a few things..." He hissed.

"I walked away from the last great Time War," The sounds of expolisons still rang around him, the screams of his friends still gripped at his heart, the doom that was thrown upon them "I marked the passing of the Time Lords" His voice was raising, his voice sounding like he was coming undone, anger ringing in his tone.

"I saw the birth of the universe and watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained!" The timetravelers eyes blazed brighter by the second, taking steps towards the madman till he was backed into a wall. "No time, no space. Just me!" He screamed the last part, pain ripping through his voice so openly.

"I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman!" The timetraveler shouted, slamming one of his hands on the wall next to the madman before he took a few steps back, his eyes a burning bright burn. "And I watched universes freeze and creation burn!" The magic whisked around the blonde, his cape flowing with every step he took.

"I have seen things you wouldn't believe!" The timetraveler looked back over to the shocked madman, pain and anger ripping through his raised voice. Power carrying his voice through the wind, through the daylight sky. Taking a sharp turn to fully fast the madman. "I have lost things you will never understand!" His voice carrying like a echo song. Forcing the madman to stay still. To listen to the timetravelers story.

"And I know things, secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken!" Magic bloosomed around the timetravler as he raised his hands from under the coat, something forming into his hand slowly. "Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze!" He screeched, a staff forming into his hand before he put his other hand on it as well. Smashing it down as he said his next words.

"So come on then! Take it!" He screamed, his now fully golden eyes staring at the madman, as if he was daring them. "Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!" He shouted as tears streamed down his face, magic dancing around them before the madman felt like he had been thrown into water before the world faded before him, finally reforming back onto the ground of where he was before. The timetraveler stood near him, his back to him, his staff still in hand and tears streaking slowly down his face.

They said nothing, the madman reached out for them before the timetraveler looked up and he faded into the magic, it slowly glowing before it faded fully. The timetraveler long gone, leaving the mad man fully alone



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