Chapter Five: Weird-Ness

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Chapter 5: Weird-Ness

Tori’s P.O.V

I open the pantry door in Kaida and Sasuke’s kitchen and plunder for a place to hide, if only I could turn into a cat… but no… I’m only half cat…

“Tori, where are you?” Sasuke calls from the other room. I panic and stuff myself underneath the lowest shelf and quietly close the door behind me. I hear footsteps coming closer and closer to the kitchen and soon they stop in front of the door.

“Victoria, where are you?” he asks the air, I giggle under my breath but too soon. The door opens and I look up, Sasuke is standing there above me fake glaring.

“…Meow…?” I grin, I try to get out but bump my head. I start a chain reaction with the shelves above me as cans and ramen packs fall on me, Sasuke stands there watching. He sighs and holds out his hand to help me up. It confuses me at first because he’s never nice to other people like this.

“Do you want help up or not?” he demands, rolling his eyes.

“Oh…” I take his hand and he pulls me up, but he pulls me too hard and I fall on top of him.

“Stop knocking things down Tori…” Kaida appears in the doorway, I feel my face go as red as my hair as I try to get off of her brother, but it doesn’t work.

“We seem to be stuck…” I admit, trying not to look down for fear of being too close to Sasuke’s face, like I can be any closer.

“Sorry can’t help you there, bye!” she waves and then transports to somewhere else with a hand sign and a puff of smoke.

“Grrr…” I mumble, I suddenly turn my head towards Sasuke, our noses are touching but I ignore it. “Where is she going?”

“To the Ninja Academy, Sensei is there with Ayame, you know her pet fox,” he answers, struggling to get up. “Can you get off of me now?”

“I can’t my foot is stuck in the pantry…” I giggle nervously. He sweatdrops and looks as though he’s thinking of something.

“I have an idea,” he says.

“What?” I question, he puts his hands up and does a sign, and suddenly I fall onto the hard floor. “Me-ow! Sasuke that kind of hurt!”

I don’t hear an answer so I turn, but my foot twists and I wince. I don’t see Sasuke anywhere but he may be behind me considering I can’t turn without breaking my foot. I attempt to pull it out from under all the clutter but soon my other foot is stuck.

“Wow Tori, so smooth…” I can practically hear him sweat drop at me. “Can’t you stop moving for a minute?”

“Yeah, sorry,” I stop moving. He pulls everything off my feet; soon I can move my lower body. “Thanks Sasuke.”

“Whatever, but you’re picking it up,” he walks out of the room. I lay propped on my elbows, wondering how Lizzy’s doing at Neji’s house.

Neji’s P.O.V

My sister sits on the floor next to me attempting to meditate, but every 10 seconds she peeks open her eyes to look at the picture in front of her, one of a random person sitting with his legs crossed.

“Am I doing this right?” she looks over at me.

“Uh…” I look at her positioning and back to the picture, of course I know how to meditate but it’s easier looking at an example than from my mind. “Yeah I think you are, just keep your eyes closed.”

“Okie dokie,” she closes her eyes again and doesn’t open them for the next 5 minutes. The door opens and my cousin, Shino, and Kiba walk in.

“H-h-hey Neji-san, m-my t-t-team is h-here,” Hinata says. Kiba glances at Lizzy before grinning, he picks Akamaru up off his head and lets him run over to her.

Wishes Do Come True... (A Naruto Fan-Fic) (vassey14)Where stories live. Discover now