Chapter 3: Enter Hiashi!

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Chapter 3: Enter Hiashi!

Lizzy’s P.O.V

“Whoa cool my best friend is Neji’s sister!” my kitty friend squeals. Kaida sits on the arm of the dark blue couch and crosses her arms over her chest.

“Don’t get too excited, it may not happen,” she mutters, rolling her dark colored eyes. I’m confused about her sudden change in attitude but a thought occurs to me, maybe Uchiha Kaida is jealous- of me! I don’t understand why she would be jealous, unless she either doesn’t like the idea of not being the only twin or is upset for another reason.

“Yeah, but no matter what you are all losers to me,” Sasuke rolls his eyes also and they finally land on Neji. He crosses his arms also and he and his sister look even more like twins.

“Even me Sasuke-Kun?” Tory asks, her long beige tail swinging behind her and her pointed ears twitching.

“Only if you annoy me,” he answers emotionlessly.

“Okay, so in other words don’t be like your obnoxious fan-girls or your teammates,” she nods in agreement, “Got it.”

“Well I’ll be going now, nice to see you again Kaida, after so long,” my brother stands and glares at Sasuke, “Sasuke…”

“Hyuga…” Sasuke glares back, suddenly it’s like lightning bolts shoot from their eyes the tension in the room is so thick. I stand up and break them apart.

“O-okay guys… don’t start,” I say nervously, afraid to be struck. Sasuke backs away as does my brother and leans back into the smooth leather feel of the couch; Neji takes my head and pulls me in the direction of the door.

“Uh, b-bye guys,” I wave as Neji and I leave the Uchiha compound.

“Bye Lizzy!” Tory waves also with a confused look on her face.

“Bye,” Kaida mumbles so quietly I barely hear her.

“Good riddance Hyuga,” Sasuke fires, then he tells me in a nicer way: “See you later Lizzy.”

“What’s the problem between you and Sasuke?” I wonder as my brother- my brother- leads me through the busy streets of Leaf Village. Three children play ninja with an older boy in all orange with spiky blonde hair and a blue forehead protector, I automatically recognize him as Uzamaki Naruto, he looks up and notices me.

“What’s the problem boss?” Konohamaru asks, scratching the back of his head. “Why did you stop?”

I duck my head behind my brother but it does no good, Naruto rushes over to me and introduces himself, “Hi there I’m Naruto Uzamaki, and I am going to become the greatest Hokage there ever was believe it!”

“Um uh, hi there Naruto, Hokage, huh?” I blink and act surprised.

“Yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard of me!” he grins with his eyes closed.

I nod, “Y-yeah I think I have actually.”

“Really? Yay I’m popular then! Believe it!” he does a strange dance but stops when he realizes who I was being lead around by. “Oh, hey Neji-”

Naruto stops talking for a moment and looks at my brother and me back and forth, “Whoa, you look exactly alike, except you’re prettier!”

I feel my face heating up and I grin, “Thanks Naruto, we’re tw-”

“Goodbye Naruto, go play with your little friends and quiet bothering us,” Neji covers my mouth with his hand and walks away, dragging me behind him.

“See you later Naruto! Nice meeting you!” I shout, turning enough to wave.

“Bye!” he waves too, “Wait what’s your name?”

“Lizzy, I’m Lizzy!” I answer, suddenly Neji turns down an alley and I am forced to follow him considering his tight grip on my left hand. “What’s wrong Neji-Kun?”

He doesn’t answer me so I stamp my feet into the earth and pull him back to me, then I demand him the same thing. He just explains coolly that all he wants is to get to the Hyuga Manor and find out if he really has a sister or not. I frown at him and sigh. I allow him to lead me the rest of the way to his home and walk me inside. We walk up the beige stairs and to the room on the end of the hall, Neji knocks loudly and a tall slender man that looked a lot like Neji answered.

“What’s the problem Neji?” he asks calmly.

“This is the problem,” he steps out from where I ended up behind him and he drops my hand. The man grows quiet and motions us into his office. The room is large and has plants on either side of the long wooden desk, bookshelves filled with thick dusty books take place of the walls and a large bright window allowed natural light into the room from behind the desk. He rounds the desk and sits in a beige leather chair, waiting for us to tell our story. Neji approaches the desk and I linger behind him, finding an ordinary wooden chair to sit in.

“Uncle Hiashi, can you explain why there is a girl that looks exactly like me sitting in the corner?” Neji asks calmly.

“Well, oh where do I start…” he rubs his head where a headache seemed to be forming.

“You can start at the part where apparently I have a twin,” he mutters.

“Hmm… Neji I wanted to tell you, I really did, but the Hyuga Elder said it was best not to say anything to anybody, so I was the only one that knew- not including your poor mother- that you had a sister, I of course had to agree because he is the wisest Hyuga,” Hiashi starts, he looks into Neji’s lavender tinted eyes and says, “You have to agree with that logic don’t you?”

“Hai Uncle but I don’t get why the Elder didn’t want anybody to know,” he argues in a nice calm way that really shouldn’t be considered arguing at all.

“Neither do I Neji, you would have to ask him about that, but your father, you do know about your father, but apparently Shizuko here doesn’t know,” he turns to me, “Do you Shizuko?”

“Um,” I sit straight up, “I’m sorry Uncle Hiashi, b-but my name is Lizzy, not Shizuko…”

“No, you’re name here is Shizuko, you’re other life name is Elizabeth but you were called Lizzy,” Hiashi explains to me. “Shizuko means ‘quiet child’ which you are here aren’t you?”

“A-apparently because for some reason I keep getting nervous all of the time which I wasn’t for the first few moments that I was here…” I tell him. “B-but I thought that that was my life Uncle.”

“It was, Shizuko when you were born you were of great beauty and everyone knew that you had been born for a purpose in life and every ninja in the other Villages wanted to take you for themselves, but then the Elder demanded us to transport you someplace safe, where nothing would ever hurt you, so we did,” he says. My eyes widen as I listen to my real birth story.

“B-but, my mother actually gave birth to me, I know it!” I argue. My Uncle shakes his head slowly, so slowly in fact that his long brunette hair barely moves. I sigh and choke back a sob, “F-fine then e-explain what happened to my real father and mother…”

“I’m very busy right now Shizuko, Lady Tsunade called me for a mission and I am supposed to meet her and the rest of my team in 5 minutes at the gate, so I must be going,” he stands and walks out of the room behind us, I turn around and start stammering but he stops me, “I’m sorry Shizuko, but this is the way it is, this is your home now.”


Hi awesome fans! I finally updated! ENjoy and ignore all the typos please. xp

~Vassey14 (Yuki)

Wishes Do Come True... (A Naruto Fan-Fic) (vassey14)Where stories live. Discover now