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Souls POV
I woke up and saw (y/n) and Ayame. I smiled. 'Well it's the weekend so they can sleep in,' I thought. (Y/n) opened her eyes slowly. "Morning," I said. "Morning," she muttered. 'You know they should becoming any week now,' I thought. 'I know...,' she said sadly. 'We had a good time together,' I thought. "Yeah," she said. Then Ayame woke up. "Morning our little princess," we said as we hugged her. "Morning mommy, daddy," she said happily. "Let's get ready," I said. "For what," they asked. "We're going out as a early Valentine's Day gift," I said. They smiled and went to go get dressed. I got dressed and when I went to go check on them, Ayame was wearing a light pink dress and the skirt of the dress had little hearts that were red. (Y/n) was doing Ayames hair. "There," (y/n) said. Ayame turned to look at me. "Hi daddy! What do you think," she asked. "You look very pretty," I said. She smiled. "You look handsome daddy," she said. "Thank you," I said. "Well if you're wearing a suit then I'm going to wear a dress too," (y/n) said. I nodded and took Ayame to the living room. I got a little rectangular box and said," Ayame, here I got this for you." She looked at the box and opened it. She gasped happily and said," thank you daddy! It's pretty," she said happily as she hugged me. "You're welcome," I said. I put the bracelet on her wrist. The bracelet had little hearts and charms. The charms were made to look like everyone she'd met here. (Y/n) came out and she. Looked. Amazing. I just stared at her. "Soul?" (Y/n) asked. I snapped out of my day dream. "Wha," I said. She laughed. "What's funny," I asked. "You," she said. "What'd I do," I asked. "Nothing," she said. I pulled her close to me and kissed her. She was shocked but accepted. "Ewe," Ayame said as she covered her eyes. We parted and we laughed. "Let's get going," I said. "Oh and (y/n)," I said. "Hmm," she asked. "You look hot," I said. "Thanks," she said. We went to a fancy restaurant and ordered.
"Thanks daddy," Ayame said. "Thanks soul," (y/n) said. "Anything for my lovely family," I said. They smiled. When we got to the house we saw all the lights were on. (Y/n) looked at me worriedly. "Stay behind-," I got cut off. "Angel of death, battle mode," (y/n) said. A light surrounded her and when it faded her wings had the little lights like last time. And her usual outfit was on. "I'm going too," (y/n) said. "Ayame stay behind us at all times," I said. "No! I'm not helpless! I can help," Ayame said. "Not the time to be rebellious Ayame," I said. "I can help," she said. I sighed,"please Ayame not right now." She looked me straight in the eye and her hair turned into a fiery way. Her clothes stayed the same and she grew wings as well. The fiery aura surrounded her body. "What," I said shocked. "She just-," (y/n) cut herself off. "Ok, you can help," I said. Ayame smiled. "But still stay close to us," (y/n) said. Ayame nodded. I opened the door. "Who's there," I asked loudly. The lights to my room and (y/n)s room turned off. We got inside. "Check my room," I said. (Y/n) nodded and left. "Ayame follow me," I said. She nodded. I checked (y/n)s room. I turned on the light. I saw (y/n). "(Y/n)? What are you doing here I thought you went to check-," I cut myself off. 'This isn't my (y/n),' I thought. "Who the hell are you," I asked. "Mommy," Ayame asked. "Ayame," the girl said happily. Ayame ran towards her but I got her hand. Then I heard (y/n) yell. "(Y/n)," I said as me and Ayame ran to my room. I saw (y/n) looking at... Me? "So that's what I looked like," the guy asked. I got in front of (y/n) and said," who the hell are you?" Then the girl from the other room came into my room. "Why soul! Are you scaring them," she asked. "No," we both said. "Right introductions," the girl said. "Yeah," I said. "I am (y/n) Hotaru-Evans. I am princess of Aels and mother to Ayame evans," she said. My (Y/n) hugged Ayame. "I am soul evans. Father to Ayame evans," he said. "Wait you're us," I asked. The future us nodded. "We're here to take Ayame back with us," future (y/n) said. I was shocked. "You can't do that," my (y/n) said. "She is not your child (y/n)," future me said coldly. "don't talk to her like that," I said angrily. "Ayame is part of our family now," I said. "She is not from this time," future (y/n) said. "I don't give a damn," my (y/n) said on the brink of tears. "Ayame is not your daughter. Both of you are only 14. You are unfit to raise a child," future me said coldly. "Bullshit! She's our daughter too," I said angrily. "Thats enough," future (y/n) said in a queenly voice that made us all be quiet. "Understand this, both of you. We are her parents not you two. You are only us in the past," future (y/n) said. "Now, stop this bickering because we need to go before any further damage is done," future me said. Me and (y/n) hugged Ayame. "I'm sorry 'yame. I wish we can make you stay longer," (y/n) said sadly. "It's ok mommy. I'll miss you mommy, daddy. Thank you. I love you both," she said and she walked over to future is and they disappeared. (Y/n) fell to her knees, hugged herself and started crying. I went next to her and held her. "There's nothing we could do," I said. "I know but still! We spent a lot of time with her and they just take her," she said between sobs. "I'm sure it's better this way," I said. "Yeah but-," I cut her off by kissing her. We pulled apart and she was still crying but less. I wiped away her tears and she hugged me. 'We miss you Ayame,' I thought.

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