The world gone black

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Your POV
"I see you're remembering a few things,"a voice said. I turned around and saw a lady. "You," I said with hatred. "I forgot to mention something, while we're here in your mind you get your memories but when you wake up you go back to not remembering anything," Arachne said. I thought and realized she was right. "Why would you do this," I asked. "To make you suffer," she said. "Again, you are a bitch," I said. Then she grabbed my neck and started chocking me. "You really should shut up brat," she said. "N-Never," I croaked out. Then she picked me up and still was chocking me. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)," a voice yelled. You recognized the voice, Soul. "Looks like our times up," she said and you woke up.
*end of dream*
I started coughing and gasping for air. "Are you alright (Y/N)," soul asked. "I-I'm f-fine," I said. "What happened," he asked. I sat there and kept on trying to remember. "I can't remember,"I said. "That's fine, all that matters is that you're alright," he said as he hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and started crying. "It's alright, I'm here," he said as he patted my back. After a while you calmed down and he let you go. "What's going on in that beautiful mind, (y/n)," he muttered as he stroke my hair.(you're awesome if you get the reference!) We stayed like that, I was on souls lap as my head nuzzled into his neck and he had one arm around me as the other kept stroking my (h/l) (h/c) hair. *ring, ring* my phone received a text message. "Who is it," he asked. "It's kid," I replied. "What does he want," he said. "Just checking up to see if we're good," I said. Then he muttered something I couldn't hear. "Hmm? What's wrong soul," I asked. "It's nothing," he said. 'Oh really,' I thought. "Hmpf," I said as I crossed my arms. "What's wrong," he asked. I stayed quiet. I turned my head away from him. "Hey what did I do," he asked. I took his arm off you and started to walk towards my room. "(Y-Y/N)," soul said as he went down the hall. Then I got to my room, and locked the door. "(Y/N). Open the door," he said. "No," I said. Then I felt like this has happened before. All of a sudden I got a headache that had hurt more than the past ones. I had started yelling because I couldn't take the pain anymore. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)! What's wrong," he yelled. I couldn't move at all. I walked over to the door and the closer I got, the more painful the pain became. "(Y/N)! Unlock the door," he yelled. I unlocked the door and then my body became heavy. "(Y/N)!" He yelled. Then the world became dark and I fell.
Souls POV
I heard (Y/N)s room door unlock and I ran in. When I saw (y/n) she was about to fall. "(Y/n," I yelled and I caught her. "(Y/n)," I said. No reply. I checked her forehead. "Damn," I said. She had a very bad fever. I put her on her bed and went to get a bucket of water and a rag. I went back to her room and put the rag on her forehead. I got (y/n)s phone and called Maka( I'd didn't want to leave her side). "Hello," Maka asked. "Maka! I need you to get professor stein over here right now," I said. "Alright," she said and hung up. Then 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door and stein was there. "What's wrong soul," he asked. "It's (y/n)," I said. Then I led him to her room. "What happened," he asked as he chalk (y/n). We were just here and we were just talking. When she came over here and locked the door. Then out of no where she started screaming in pain. When she unlocked the door she blacked out and I caught her," I said. "I see," he said. "Is she going to be alright," I asked. "(Y/N) is a very strong willed girl. There's a chance she'll be alright so don't worry," he said. I calmed down a little. "I think I'll have to take her to the school to run some tests," he said. "I'll take her," I said. "Hmm," he asked. "I said I'll take her to the school," I said. "Alright," he said. I picked (y/n) up and we walked to the school.
"Put her on the infirmary bed," he said. I slowly put (y/n) on the bed. "Alright, I need you step out for a bit," he said. I got out of the room and waited in the hallway. 'Please be alright,' I thought.
Steins POV
'Honestly I don't think she'll make it through this,' I thought. "But you might just stay alive too," I said. I took a sample of her blood and took some tests. After an hour or so, I found something. "This is-," I cut myself off. 'So this is why huh,' I thought. A small amount of her blood was infected with a virus. I got an antidote and injected it into (y/n)s blood. "Now, whether you live or not is your deal (y/n)," I said. "I always did think of you as my own daughter, and I'm sure that there are others who are worried about you too," I said. I smiled," yes. Souls very worried about you." She moved her fingers a little. "Well, I better go, you take care (y/n)," I said. I opened the door and found soul asleep on the wall. I tapped his shoulder and said," soul. Why are you still here?" He woke up and said," to make sure (y/n)s alright." "She'll be fine," I said. "Can I see her," he asked. "Sure," I said. Soul ran into the infirmary. "Be with her soul. She needs a lot of help to get through this," I muttered.
Souls POV
I ran inside the infirmary and saw (y/n) asleep on the bed. I went to her side and held her hand. "(Y/N)," I said. I felt her hand tighten a little. "So you can hear me," I said. "I wish you were awake," I said. Her hand held mine firmly. "I love you," I said as I kissed her cheek. I put my head next to hers and fell asleep.

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