Chapter 3

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Recap: Percy and Emily arrive at camp and Leah was introduced and showed Emily around and Emily heard the Great Prophecy. How will this turn out? This will also have some flashbacks from The lightning thief and The Battle of the Labyrinth.

Disclaimer: Nothing is ours except Emily Jackson and Leah Castellan. Everything else belongs to Rick Riordan.


Recap: Percy and Emily arrive at camp and Leah was introduced and showed Emily around and Emily heard the Great Prophecy. How will this turn out? This will also have some flashbacks from The lightning thief and The Battle of the Labyrinth.

Disclaimer: Nothing is ours except Emily Jackson and Leah Castellan. Everything else belongs to Rick Riordan.



~Three children of Poseidon on the same day~ I soon arrived at the big house where I saw Chiron

“Ah Leah what can I do for you?”

“I am here to tell you that triton, another son of Poseidon here on order from his father”

“Right well Percy is hearing the great prophecy and I will need Emily to hear it as well”

“Emily has already been told”

“Ok well let’s get to the meeting” I then heard the voices of Clarisse and Michael. I walked out to see that they were arguing once again only this time Percy was already there trying to handle it. Soon after Clarisse stormed out off saying that the Ares cabin would not lift a finger and that we would fight on our own against the titans.

“Let’s move on” Percy said changing the subject, “we’ve got other problems. We’ve got a spy”

“A spy?” Michael Yew scowled and his eyes turned to mine

“You got something to say Yew or was my sword at your throat earlier not enough for you because if not we can go outside and fight this out if you want to?” I said as my hand lingered around the hilt of my sword, Nightchiller.

“Enough you two” Chiron said

“She very well could be the spy, I mean her brother betrayed the camp to join the titans, I mean he is Kronos now and she is always defending him. If she wants to defend him why doesn’t she just leave to defend him with the Titans?”

“That’s it” I said as I jumped across the table and tackled Michael to the ground. I had landed a good few punches before I was pulled off of him and we were pulled from each other. Once I was pulled a good distance I realized that Percy and Chiron were the only ones near me and I pulled out of their grip and walked out of there and ran to my cabin, grabbed my journal and walked to the forest. I climbed up onto a high branch and started writing the day’s events down. I was unaware of the pair of sea green eyes watching me. As I was writing my hand went to my locket with a picture of my brother and stray tears started to fall from my face as I remembered the day he left.  


I was sitting on the shoreline of camp. It was soon after Percy, Grover, and Annabeth had returned from their quest for Zeus’s master lightning bolt. Grover soon left for another quest *I wonder if someday I will go on a quest* my thoughts were interrupted by something covering my eyes and I was also thrown over their shoulder.

“You need to learn to not make yourself so defenseless little sister,” my brother’s voice filled my ears. I started to pound my hands on his back

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