[06] hyacinths and sunsets

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Taehyung was over at Jimin's flat. When they weren't able to meet up in the collage premises, they'd go to each other's places whenever they were free to hang out. Jimin lives by himself but most of the times he either has Yoongi over or he goes over to his house or 'my lil yoonie's big mansion', as Jimin would call it.

This isn't Taehyung's first time meeting Yoongi and he already knows a great deal about him but seeing the way he's so defensive of Jungkook and how he cuts the head of any assumption or rumour about him despite Jungkook downright ignoring his existence and not acknowledging the bonds that have been there even before their births, is something new on his part.

Yoongi is someone who'd always keep to himself. He never inquired impertinently into someone else's buisness for he simply considered it a waste of his time, attention and energy. He never batted an eye to any drama that took place unless it involved morally questionable actions or statements. So it's odd for Taehyung to see him bothered by assumptions made by total strangers.

People fabricate all sorts of opinions and theories out of thin air to fuel hysteria and to make up for the predicaments that plague them by dragging others. They become callous in their disposition after having to cope with problems that they themselves nutured the growth of. They downplay how their own choice of actions and mindset lands them avoidable troubles and instead look for outlets in others for airing out their frustrations.

He says and Taehyung definately cannot agree more, having been at the receiving end of indelible abrasiveness at the tender age of six.

Taehyung remembers the day distinctly even though he had been very little at that time. He had befriended a boy named Hawn, just recently after the said boy transferred to his school. They got along really well and became inseparable since then. One day whilst playing during the lunch break he fell and Hwan came to help him.

Parents were allowed to come see their kids during the recess and Hwan's mother just happened to be there on that day. After witnessing her son coming to his aid, she immediately came running to yank Hwan's hands off of him and pulled him away. Little him never quite never understood why Hwan's mother came to pull her son away from him, leaving him hurt and fallen on the ground with a scraped knee.

He did cry out of pain for a small interval, hastily wiping his tears with his little fists before getting up on his own and going to his class teacher for help.

The next day, he came to greet Hwan with the same boxy smile but instead of receiving a giggly smile in return, he stood facing the withdrawing form of his friend, being left with an unfamiliar confrontation, barbed silence and a bitter experience.

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