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Friday had come sooner than Mia had hoped, she was still nervous to hang out with the group in such a different way. Sure, she had gone on nights out with them before. Actually, most of the times she had seen them were on nights out. And sure, she had gotten along with all of them.

The truth is, she had always been 'Cal's Friend', the one who was visiting. But now, she's in London full time and it felt like tonight was her trial run into the group. To make things even more nerve-wrecking was that Cal wasn't even there. 

There was no point in denying how social Mia could be, everyone who was friends with her knew she was the life of the party. It wasn't hard to see the similarities between both Cal and Mia- even though they weren't related the resemblance in their personalities was uncanny. They both had the same mannerisms and bubbly energy to them. 

And even though she was a social butterfly of sorts, she hated feeling like she was outside of her comfort zone. Not knowing her place in a group put a bubble of awkwardness around her, one that was there to stay until she felt like she truly belonged somewhere. That was one of the ways she was different from Cal, he could feel comfortable anywhere whereas Mia took some time to open up. So when she would go out with this group in the past, she was often at ease only because Cal was there. She was obviously not stuck to his side, mostly because he was always trying to chat up some girls, but it brought her comfort knowing he was there. 

Often times when they'd go out, she would hang around Talia and Freya , but she had also spent time with the rest of the boys there. She had done odds on with Ethan countless times, often resulting in downing pints or dancing on tables. She had maneuvered countless (harmless) flirting attempts from JJ, gotten into the orange juice v apple juice debate with Tobi, accidentally asked Josh for advice on her taxes on more than one occasion, and listened to Vik go on and on about how mixing drinks doesn't make for a bad night out. There was no denying how kind and welcoming they were to newcomers, but there was also no denying how that was just in their nature. 

Mia was sat nervously on her couch after getting ready, probably the first time she had ever gotten ready on time for a night out. She had put on a nice flowy dress, that ended right above her knees with loose long sleeves the fell off her shoulders. Mia made sure to pick something that would be comfortable in the crowded club but also allow her to enjoy the end-of-summer night time breeze.  She was anxiously checking her phone to see if Harry had texted her, especially considering he had messaged her half an hour earlier to tell her that he was on his way.

By the time she had decided to just call him herself, there was a knock on her door that broke her from her train of thought. She lifted herself off the couch and nervously smoothed out the bottom of her dress as she headed towards the door. Before opening it, she took a look at herself in the floor length mirror that was hung up on the wall by the entrance of her flat before taking a deep breath and opening the door. 

Harry stood in the entryway just like he had several times before, but this time it was just him. As soon as the door opened and he had seen Mia on the other side, he locked his phone and quickly shoved it in his pocket. He quickly looked her up and down, before stuttering out a hello. 

"You alright?" He asked after clearing his throat, clearly taking notice of how nice she looked. Mia gave him a soft smile and nodded, before turning slightly to head back inside her flat. 

"Let me just grab my bag!" She called out as she picked up her purse from the couch and her keys from the counter. She walked out the door and shut it behind her while Harry stepped to the side, allowing her to lock it before they left. 

"So, where are we grabbing dinner?" Mia asked as they walked side by side through the streets of London, only one of them knowing where they were going. 

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