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"Simon, you are not getting out of this." Talia said to her boyfriend Simon, who was pouting on his bed like an eight year old. 

"But Talia all the other boys are going to Leeds-Arsenal game." He groaned, ready to do absolutely anything to get out of what she was proposing for his Friday night. 

"Actually!" Mia piped in, through the phone speakers that she was currently on Facetime with Talia on, "Josh is supposed to be there as well so not all the boys are going to the game." 

"Oh fuck off, Mia." Simon mumbled, throwing a pillow at the phone in his girlfriends hands. The one from which Mia's voice was coming out of. She knew not to get offended because she knew that he didn't mean it. Well he did, but he meant it as a friend.  

Mia watched through her phone screen as Talia glared at Simon, in a way that confirmed to Mia that the couple would be in attendance during dinner on Friday night. 

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys Friday night then." Mia laughed at the two.

"We wouldn't miss it, Mia. But for the love of God, pick somewhere that has booze." Talia said. 

The girls laughed before saying their goodbyes, agreeing to meet outside the restaurant at seven. 

As Mia set down the phone beside her, she leaned back into her couch. She was going through her mental to-do list to make sure she didn't miss anything. It was half past 9 on Thursday night and Matt was supposed to arrive at her flat within the next hour. 

She had done her tidying up, the fridge was stocked with his favourite snacks, and the triple date she had promised Talia and Freya was set up. Initially, she had one more thing on her to-do list. Letting Cal know that Matt was coming. But luckily for Mia, Harry had done it for her. 

Cal's exact words when he had rung her up the night before to complain about Matt's upcoming arrival were 'Did you think I would be able to flee the country on such short notice?'

If she was right, and she usually was, everything had been done and there was nothing to do but wait. She had made up a batch of cookie dough earlier that morning so that she could just pop them in the oven before he arrived so he would have fresh cookies to arrive to.

They hadn't seen each other in 6 weeks, since she had moved down to London. It was weird going from seeing each other practically every day for the better part of 3 years, to going this long without. 

Mia and Matt had during their first year of university and had been practically inseparable ever since. Something that Mia was growing to resent. When she made the decision to move to London full time, part of her was obviously scared. 

Not scared that Matt would break up with her or that they wouldn't find a way to make it work. She was scared that she would be alone, because she had always had him there when she didn't want to be by herself. And sometimes when she did. But considering she had found herself a solid group of friends, she didn't have that fear anymore. 

Since making her decision to move, she was always confident that distance would only help them, considering they were going through a bit of a rough patch. But she didn't think that she would be as excited to see him as she was. She didn't even think she was capable of missing him so much and that gave her hope, hope she didn't even know she was holding on to. 

She got up and headed towards the kitchen to prepare the cookies. Once they were popped into the oven, she pulled out her phone after feeling it vibrate in her pocket. 

from harry
weird not seeing you on a thursday night 

to harry
are you having fun w ethan and vik at least? 

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