thirty two

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It was almost frustrating, the way Harry was acting like nothing happened. Mia was expecting there to be awkwardness but if anything things were uncomfortably normal. But at the same time they weren't, because in the midst of his "normalcy," it was almost like he was distant. Reserved. Like there was a shift in their relationship. Well technically in their friendship.

The two were never alone together, and she missed him. As a friend of course, which is what she had been telling herself for the past few weeks. They had still seen each other, they were actually together most days, but they were always surrounded by people.

It's not like he was being cold, he still teased her relentlessly and made her laugh. For anyone looking from the outside, it would look like everything was exactly the same. And even for her, sometimes it felt like it was. For these brief, fleeting moments of peace, it felt like nothing was different.

But things were different. She missed seeing his name pop up on her phone whenever he'd give her a ring. He never texted her first anymore, and if he did it wasn't about anything with substance. Just inviting her to plans or asking if he could borrow something, not much else. Sure, he'd ask how she was doing and what was new when they'd hang out but it just wasn't the same. Even though he was acting like everything was normal and that nothing happened, things between them were just... different.

And she felt guilty for being upset. She had a boyfriend, someone who hated Harry anyways. Every time Harry got brought up in conversation between her and Matt, she had to tell him there was nothing to worry about. That because he told her to stay away from him, she did. She didn't feel guilty for lying to Matt, but she felt guilty that part of her was almost mad at Harry even though she was with Matt. Mad that their friendship had changed but he still acted like nothing had happened and that everything was normal when it clearly wasn't. But if anything, she was more mad at her self.

Because Mia had stupidly asked Harry if he had feelings for her. It was even more stupid of her considering she didn't know what she wanted him to say in the first place, she didn't know what words she wanted to come out of his mouth. She didn't know why she did it, risked their friendship before she really knew what she was risking.

Part of her was relieved when Cal came bursting through the door that day, because her lips were moving but she wasn't thinking straight. It was like she was possessed or taken over or something, because who she was at that moment was as if her mind wasn't present in her body. There was no way in her right mind she would have been saying those things, and she blames part of it due to the absolute insanity that came with being cooped up with an angry Matt for 10 days.

But weeks had past since then and now Mia was currently in Josh and Freya's flat whilst they had a some people over for drinks on a Friday night. She was sat between Cal and Vik, listening as the two discussed the current state of the Premier League as she sipped on some beer. Mia was slumped between them quietly, their voices going in and out as she got lost in her own thoughts.

"My teams in the mud this season, I can't even defend them." Vik sighed defeated, getting a snicker out of Cal.

"Oh pipe down, your team isn't exactly breaking any records either." Mia scoffed at Cal, chuckling to herself as he rolled his eyes at her.

"What club do you support again, Mia? I always forget." Vik asked casually, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"She's a Chelsea fan." Cal told him, answering for her as she took a sip from her bottle.

"Just like Bog, yeah?" Ethan piped up suddenly from behind the couch, causing the three to turn their heads at the sound of his voice and watch as he walked around to sit on the sofa across from them.

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