thirty four

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"You do know we're only there for two nights, right?" Harry teased, acting like he was struggling to lift Mia's heavy case into the boot of the Uber that was parked in front of his building on Friday morning.

"Well sorry I don't wear the same Sidemen joggers and hoodie everyday" She bit back, extra snarky considering how early in the morning it was. He shot her an amused look, trying to hold back the chuckle that was about to escape his lips.

"Oh, so suddenly you have an issue with my hoodies?" He smirked with a smug look on his face as he pulled down the boot of the car to close it.

"Piss off, you caught me in it one time. What if I just forgot to do the washing?" Mia muttered under her breath as her cheeks flushed red, much to his amusement. All he did was grin down at her, shaking his head.

Though she was lying and she had actually slept in it many more times, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.  After slamming down the boot, he jogged up beside her to open the door on the left side of the car, letting her slide in first before he climbed in behind her. 

The car ride was nearly half an hour from the flat to the train station, and though the time should have been cut in half, they had managed to hit the morning rush hour because Harry had booked tickets for an early train. It was no secret that Mia hated early mornings, so it came as a shock to anyone who had never traveled with her to find out that she was one of those fussy travelers who had to arrive early out of fear something would happen and they'd miss their train- regardless of the time of day. 

So even though their train wasn't set to depart London until 9:30 that morning, the pair had arrived an hour early. Mia showed up at the boys' flat at 6:30 with her bags packed, they left in the Uber at 7, and arrived at the station by 7:30. Harry wasn't as enthusiastic about her travel habits but was simply unable to say no to her. Well, actually he did try to say no to her but she showed up at his door anyways. 

By the time they got out of the car and started walking in the right direction towards the station, there was an hour left until their train departed. Mia slung her purse over her shoulder, walking besides Harry as he rolled both of their suitcases flat on the pavement, gripping one in each hand, whilst having his own backpack on his back. Luckily for them the rain wasn't poring down so they were able to walk at a relaxed pace. 

"Did you print the tickets?" Mia asked him as they walked through the entrance of the station, shoving her phone deep into her oversized purse. 

"Yeah, yeah, they're in my backpack." He told her, looking around the station before his eyes landed on an empty spot besides the wall and started to walk towards it. With Mia in toe he turned his back towards her, which she immediately figured he did for her to unzip the pocket of his backpack that held the printed ticket.

Unzipping the outermost pocket, she saw 2 pieces of folded up paper containing their train tickets. On the top of the paper she could make out a barcode and the words SUPER SAVER TICKET. As much as she hated to admit it, the man loved a good deal. She put the folded up papers between her lips, using her now free hands to zip up his backpack.

"Got it?" He asked as he turned around to face her, his blue eyes looking down at her as he smiled. 

Mia nodded, pulling the tickets out of her mouth, "Want to get a drink before we board the train?"

"I mean I do think it's a bit early for a drink, but hey," Harry laughed at her, grinning with his teeth as he looked at her, "it's five o clock somewhere, right?"

Mia rolled her eyes, shaking her head at him. 

"I meant something along the lines of a coffee or something, but who am I to get in between you and a pint?" She laughed, nodding her head in the direction of the café a few shops down in the station. 

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