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             ❤️6.495       ✉️2.435
Baby.lix:So...uh... I got down from the chandelier))) But flying! With the donut ladder! And I hit Sese in the head to... I'm soryyyyy Seseeeee @Dxhxne

@Dxhxne: It's ok baby. It doesn't hurt that much anymore. You are the one with a serious injury so take care!
          @baby.lix:I need to give you kisses for that *~*

@bang.daddy:Oh my... Baby are you ok?!
@prince.jin:Does it hurts?! Do you want something to feel better?
         @baby.lix: Actually I'm getting ready to go and buy some ice cream!
           @bang.daddy:DON'T! STAY ON YOUR PLACE!
           @baby.lix:But why...

@minminhoe:Listen to them baby! Your leg needs a break now!

@seungmean:Why don't you eat some cake and watch Merinda?

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