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Now I can put some pants on. I think I really surprised them with that one...
But I couldn't leave the couch because my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen and it was Chan. It was a video call.
I accepted the call but closed the camera.

"Baby?" I heard Chan asking
"Yeah?!" I said slowly
"Why do you have you camera closed?" I heard Hyunjin asking. So they are together...
"Because... I didn't changed yet..." I said
"You can open the camera baby. We don't have a problem with your clothes" Chan said
"We said it and we will say it again. You are gorgeous! Beautiful! So you don't have to be shy!" Hyunjin said
"Ok..." I said opening the camera but not showing my lower part
"Hi..." I said smiling a little
"Hi baby" Hyunjin said.
"How are you?" He asked me
"I'm very good actually, thank you for asking! How are you two doing?! I hope you're not overwhelming yourselves to much with work!" I said pouting
"We we're actually thinking about going on a date!" Chan said smiling
"That's nice. Where are you going?!" I asked them smiling
"I think you wanted to ask where are WE going" Hyunjin said
"Yes. You!" I said
"Us and you baby boy!" Chan said
"Me? What should I do on YOUR date! I don't think it's ok..." I said frowning
"We will all go on a date! Me, you and Hyunjin. It's all planed. We will meet at that aesthetic Bubble Tea Caffe at 12 the day after tomorrow to eat and then we will see what we'll do next" Chan said smiling
"But..." I tried to say but I was stopped by Hyunjin
"And we won't take a NO as an answer!" He said smirking
"Ok?" I said confused
"Now go to sleep baby. We can't wait to see you! Good night!" Chan said smiling
"Good night baby" Hyunjin smiled
"Sweet dreams! I love you!" I said but just after a few seconds I realized what I said and closed the conversation immediately

I'm fucked up.... Oh God!

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