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Time to call them...
I got my phone from the coffee table and I called them while jumping on the sofa.
After the third ring they answered.

"Hello?!" I asked them
"Hi baby!" they said at the same time
"How are you guys?" I asked them
"We are good! Thank you for asking" Hyunjin said
"Well I'm happy to hear that" I said smiling even if they couldn't see me
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked them after a little silence
"Oh yes! We almost forgot!" Hyunjin said laughing

The best sound that I can hear!

"We want to go on another date with you this Saturday!" Chan said
"A date? But why?! Shouldn't you guys go...alone on dates? Like.. that's the point of a relationship. Isn't it? Like I'm curious because my pringle soul doesn't know!" I said being confused

They started laughing again before Chan started to talk again.

"Because we want to spend more time with you!" he said
"Then why don't you said that you want to hang out?! It's not a date!" I said
"Because we want to call a date so be a good boy and don't argue with us. Ok?" Hyunjin asked me
"Yes sir..." I said pouting a little

I don't understand them at all!

"Wait a minute! What time it is?!" I asked them feeling that I forgot something
"It's 5pm. Why?" Chan asked me
"THE DANCE CLUB!!!! OH MY GOD!" I screamed

I didn't let them said anything as I ended the call, got my bag from the floor and run out of the house locking the door.
My dance club... Today I have to dance! How could I forgot?
Thank God that I had my bag ready!

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