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           ❤️65.458     ✉️34.547
Baby.lix:They said play nice. So I hit Innie in the face with a swing.... I'M SORRY BABY BREAD! I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️😭


Baby.innie:Don't worry hyung I'm not mad. I know that you didn't do it on purpose!❤️

Minminhoe:I got in on camera!🤣🤣

Seungminnie:It was fun though!

Squirrel.boy:Minho is still a bitch for laughing!

Changmean:He really get hurt a little...

Dxhxne:That's what I get when I leave you guys alone for five minutes....

Prince.jin:Did you get hit baby?

Bang.daddy:We have to talk to you baby boy so if you could call us on video in like... thirteen minutes it would be very nice of you!
        Baby.lix:Sure! I can eat in peace until then! Hear you later!

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