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What should I do? Should I run? But then the boys won't find me... But they are so close. I don't like it... I hear my notification and I taked my phone out but it was gone in less than 3 seconds. I looked up and the two strangers we're in front of me. Oh my bubble...

"Umm... Can I have my phone back please?" I asked them looking at my shoes.

Why did I dressed up in this...

"Sure. We just wanted your phone number!" One of them said and the other came beside me putting his hand on my waist
"Can you please take your hand off me..." I said feeling uncomfortable
"And why should I do that?" He said squeezing my waist tighter
"Ouch" I said feeling tears in my eyes
"Ohhh. What's wrong baby boy?" The one with my phone asked
"Can I have it back please?!" I asked trying to take my phone back but I was dragged back
"I almost forgot. You have a nice skirt!" The one that hold me said touching my skirt
"Please let me go.." I said crying
"And why.." but he couldn't end his sentence because another voice was heard
"Take your hands off my boy or I will make you beg him on your knees to forgive you!" Someone behind me said

I turned my head and I saw them. Hyunjin and Chan...
I tried to go to them but I was dragged back again and I felt a hand squeezing my wrist tighter.
I feelt more tears coming out because it hurt.

"Let him go..." Chan said
"And why should I?" The one holding me said
"You don't wanna know" Hyunjin said
"Oh please. I'm not scared!" The one with my phone said and I felt a hand on my ass.

I gasped and turned back hitting him between the legs. What an ass! He screamed. But then it was my turn to feel a new wave of pain because I got slapped falling on the ground.
And the next thing I saw was Chan on top off the guy that hit me punching him repeatedly.
I tried to move away from them until I felt two arms around me.
I looked up and I saw Hyunjin smiling. I took him into a tight hug crying again. Why did I got out of the house? Especially in a place I don't know.
I felt him rubbing my back trying to calm me..
I'm so lucky that they we're near this place.
Then I remembered that my phone was still at that guy.

"My phone..." I tried to get up but I fall back down because of my leg. It still hurts sometimes...
"Your leg hurt?" Hyunjin asked
"Yeah.. But I want my phone back!" I said getting up with his help

I looked in the direction of the strangers and they we're lying on the ground with bruises all over they faces and Chan was up breathing hard.

"Umm... I think this is mine.." I said slowly as I take my phone from the guys hand and looked at the screen.
"It's broke... Meanie..." I said putting it back in my backpack

I looked at Chan and he was still looking at the guys. His eyes we're black.
I taked a step back just for caution.

"Don't worry baby. I won't do anything to you!" He said when he saw me and hugged me
"Thank you..." I whispered hugging him back
"We are happy to help you. Now let's go" he said letting me go
"Ok" I said and dusted off my skirt
"Are you ok?" Hyunjin asked me
"I think so... I mean I'm a little scared... But it will go away" I said smiling
"Good thing that you texted us!" Hyunjin said
"But why did you texted us? I mean... You could've text your friends" Chan said
"I don't know... I just felt like it. I mean... You seem nice. And what's funnier than a couple protecting you?" I said laughing a little
"I think so.." Hyunjin said
"Thank you again! I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come..." I said looking down
"Don't think of that ok? Now let's go eat something sweet and then go home" Chan said smiling

He has a nice smile!

I keep forgetting to post. Sorry!

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