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I looked through the windows of the cafe to see if I can spot Chan and Hyunjin.
I think I looked for 4 minutes until I feel a hand on my waist and the first thing that I did it was to hit the person with m elbow. I heard a groan of pain and when I turned to see who it was I was left speechless.
It was Chan crouching down because of the pain.

"Oh my God Chan!" I said crouching down beside him
"I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you! I'm really sorry!" I said helping him get up

He smiled a bit before giving me a hug.

"So warm..." I mumbled in his chest
"What did you said?" He asked me
"Nothing" I said as I let him go
"Let's go inside. Hyunjin is waiting and I can hear him laughing his ass of because I got hit!" He said as he dragged me inside

And he was right. As soon as we entered the cafe I hear Hyunjin laughing. I saw him in the back of the cafe where there we're a few people and I start running to him giving him a hug.

"He's warm too..." I mumbled as I sniffled his neck a little like the normal person I am

Nothing strange. Just me sniffing these boys because they smell good. What do they use?! I mostly smell as peaches.
He let me go and I sat down on the chair that was in front of them.
I adjusted my skirt a little and then looked at them smiling.

"Did that hurt?!" He asked Chan holding his laugh
"Do you want Felix to hit you too?! Felix hit him! I Will hold him for you!" He said
"That was a mistake" I said looking down
"Oooh. Don't be sad Lix! I'm not mad at you! I'm actually happy that you're with your guard up!" He said smiling
"Lix?" I said looking at them again
"Yes! Our baby Lix" Hyunjin said smiling, more like a smirk, but I didn't think of it. I think I was imagining things.

I blushed a little at his words and I hide my face with the menu so they won't see.
I looked through the things and I saw a lot of things that sounded very yummy to me.
A waiter comes to us and all of us ordered our drinks.
When he brings us our drinks I taked a photo of them and I posted it on Instagram.
I looked at the boys and they stared at me.

"What! I didn't drink yet! There is no way that there's something on my face!" I said picking my phone up to look at the camera to see if I have something on my face

Chan laughed a little and grabbed my hand putting it down on the table.

"You don't have anything on your face!" He said smiling
"You're just beautiful!" Hyunjin said smiling
"Thank you..." I said turning around taking a sip of my drink feeling my cheeks getting hot
"You're making him shy" Chan said laughing
"Stop!" I said staring at them
"Ok ok!" Hyunjin said lifting his hand up on defence

I laughed a little and continued drinking as I started talking with them.

After a few hours of talking and walking in the park they had to go home so we bid our goodbyes after a big and hug and we separated going on our own ways.

Heeeeelp! I can't sleep and I don't have what to do.
Like...I'm sleepy af but I can't sleep and it's 2 in the morning.
Also I will post the Felix's Instagram post in the next chapter

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