Album Writing (Requested)

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Dom and my writing session went amazing last time. I uploaded it to YouTube and it got thousands of views. If it wasn't for Dom, I wouldn't have done it. We had a drunk conversation about it one night and we decided that we wanted to write a whole album together. When we woke up the following morning, we both actually remembered it and the first thing Dom said was...
"Well, when do you wanna make a start on that album?"

"Whenever you're ready, darling" I said, kissing his cheek before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Once we were out of bed and got caffeine in our system. We decided to have a lazy day writing a few songs.

"What are you planning for this, then?" Dom asked, pulling out a pen and pad from the living room cupboard.

"I'm thinking the chronological order of our relationship in........ help me out, how many songs?" I asked for his help.

"I'd say 10 minimum" He recommended. "Think we can do that?"

"Well, can we get two and a half years of love into... 12 songs?" I asked, flirtily.

"I mean, a lot of love has gone into those years... but I think so" Dom kissed my forehead then sat down on the couch next to me. I put my head on his shoulder and started to think of things to put into the song.

"Any key moment from when we met?" Dom asked, prompting my mind.

"I mean... I guess the way we clicked when we first started talking to each other" Dom mumbled in approval and wrote that down.

"I think another thing could be how.. you know, it was a bit like love at first sight... at least to me" Dom became bashful and looked down while admitting.

"Aww, you're sweet, Dom" I giggled, kissing his cheek. He giggled back then wrote that idea in the notepad. Time went by and we had picked out words to write the song. We went over it, again and again until the melody was correct. Then, we took my phone and performed the full song on my voice memos as a rough copy of what I was going to record. We continued doing the same thing for each song that we wrote until we had 12 whole songs completed.

Since the previous song we had recorded, I bought some crazy new tech. New headphones, new mic, some sound padding and a whole new computer with a crap ton of storage to compose more songs. I also spend £400 on a music composer!! (yes... that's actually how much they are approx.)

The next day, we spent the whole time recording different parts. I recorded my vocals and guitar parts and Dom volunteered to do the rest. He already had a bass guitar and electric drum set which he set up in my recording room. We started off with the drums, then guitar, then bass and finally vocals.

We got to one particular song and as I recorded the vocals, I felt like something was off. There was something missing in that song. I sang it over a few times and thought to myself what the problem was.

"What is it?" Dom asked, walking up to me. I slipped off my headphones and looked at him.

"It doesn't sound right... vocally, I mean." I answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Every time we record the vocals to this song, something doesn't seem right." I continued to explain. I took another moment to think but nothing sprung to mind.

"Go sit at your computer." Dom said. "Lemme try something."

I took his orders and sat at my desk. I counted him in and pressed record. Dom sang these lyrics like an angel that had fell from heaven. It fit so well. That's what was missing. Once he finished singing, I pressed the stop button, turned to him and clapped. He took off the headphones and balanced them on my mic stand, then walked back over. I mixed the song to fit Dom's vocals and listened back to it.

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