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Kelcie's POV

Since Madison went looking for Niall and Rachel, Louis and I were alone in the living room. I was still laughing from what Louis found. He was just looking at it really closely which was scaring me. " What are you doing?" I said, calming down. He looked at me seriously. "Hoping there's no holes" He sighed and threw it out. "I just don't think that Niall is ready for that. Or Rachel for that matter" He looked at me and I just kissed his cheek. "Don't worry Louis. It won't happen just yet. Trust me" I kissed him gently. Louis smiled at me and mouthed 'Okay'. Right then Madison came back from the downstairs hallway with Zayn Harry, and Liam. "I already showed the other boys but you need to see this" Madison said looking at me. "Louis, you promise not to yell or do anything disruptive?" Liam asked Louis. He just nodded and Madison led us to the bathroom down the hall. As she opened the door I smiled at how cute this was. "Oh my gosh. That is so cute" I whispered to Louis. He smiled at them and then closed the door quietly. "Now I know that nothing will happen" Louis whispered in my ear before Madison or the other boys could hear it. We walked back to the living room and turned on the telly. The first thing that came on was Mean Girls. Here come the laughs again.

Niall's POV

Was I sleeping? Where am I? Then I looked down at Rachel and smiled. I started twirling her hair and she moved a little. She was so cute when she slept. But then Rachel kicked and started moving around almost like squirming. Rachel must be having a nightmare. "Rachel? Rachel. It's going o be okay. Shhh" Her eyes opened and she gasped for air. I sat up in the tub and hugged her. "He was there and he just, It was so painful, I don't know why, I'm so sorry It was just so-" I cut her off. "It's okay Rachel, I'm here now. There's nothing to be afraid of." She looked up at me and smiled. I kissed her and then I got p and helped her out of the tub. "Are you okay to go out there?" I asked Rachel. "Yea.." She said unsure, but then nodded. I took her hand and opened the bathroom door quietly. Then I had an idea. I put my index finger up to my mouth to signal to be quiet. She knew what I was dong and smiled. We crept to the living room and saw that they were watching a move and they were laughing. No one was looking this way so I tip toed behind Louis and Rachel went behind Kelcie. I put five fingers up and then counted down. As the last one went down we both yelled. "HEYYYYYY" Louis and Kelcie both jumped up and screamed. "NIALL" "RACHEL!!" They both exclaimed. Rachel and I were already smiling and we ran upstairs. "In here! I'll lock the door" Rachel pulled me in a room. When we got in and locked it she started smiling. "That was great" said as we layed on her bed. I looked at the ceiling. Rachel was looking up too but I could tell something wasn't right. "What was your nightmare about?" I looked at her. "Well... umm.. My dad found me and he umm.... raped me...." She whispered slowly. "I won't let anything happen to you Rachel" I kissed her cheek. "You have no idea how much that means to me" A loud banging noise followed by Louis' voice was close. "YOU TWO BUGGERS GET OUT HERE" We both laughed quietly and let Louis search for us. Then I pulled her into the closet. All of the sudden a knob opened and someone was walking into Rachel's room. We wee in a dark corner of her closet and Louis opened the door. He looked around and we stayed completely still. He shrugged and left the room and shut the door. "How did he not see us?" Rachel asked. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled her out f the closet and close to the door. When I heard that no one was there I grabbed her hand and ran downstairs. I jumped on the couch and pulled her on my lap. Liam and Zayn were just watching TV. Harry and Madison were in a very disturbing make out session. I am so happy that Rachel is mine.

Rachel's POV

I was sitting on Niall's lap, replaying the Nightmare. It was so horrible. I winced at the pain I had experienced from my father. I despise him. I actually wouldn't care if he died. He destroyed my mother and me. I hated him with a burning passion! But that all goes away when Im with Niall. It's so crazy how right it feels to be on his lap right now and in the safety of his arms. Nothing can hurt me while he's around. A movie was on the telly but I didn't know what it was and I didn't really care. I need some coffee. I kissed Nialls cheek and figured I would tell him about my great idea.  

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