A taste of your own medicine

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Niall's POV

I looked up at her hateful eyes. She was glaring angrily at me. "I don't want help! I'm sick of everyone saying that! I don't need it!" Rachel yelled and ran past me. "Rachel?" "Rachel!" I yelled, running downstairs. "Where'd she go?" I asked quickly. "She left" Harry said. "Oh my god! I have to go find her!" I yelled running out the door and down the street. I don't know where she went. "Rachel?!" For the next hour I searched everywhere. Every square inch. No sign of her. Great I lost her. I need to find her.

Rachel's POV

I can't believe I was that stupid. God, Why am I still alive? I don't want help! Why can't anyone see that? I ran past the park and into an alley where I could care less what happens to me. Now that Niall saw the new ones I don't think I'll ever be the same to him. I was never good enough for him anyway. He should just move on with his life without me. This world is so cruel and I just cant take it anymore. I sat against the wall on the cold wet stone. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I froze. It was him. I didn't want to look up because I was afraid. I never wanted to see that abusive face again. "Oh hello Rachel Long time no see" He touched me and I jerked away from him. "You shouldn't have done that sweetie" A stinging sensation resided on my cheek. "Stop" I said still trembling from his hand. "You don't tell me what to do!" He picked me up and I squirmed. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" He smiled evilly and carried me out of the alley to a small abandoned warehouse across the street. I was terrified now. But in all honesty I hoped that he would kill me and get it over with. He opened a door around the back and placed me down on a table. This must've been one of the old mills that the banks bought years ago. I remember because when I was in town one day I traveled to this place and it was a place to make dolls I think. I was shivering on the cold table while he went into what seemed like a little office to get things. He came back with a case. "This is going to be painless sweetie" He smiled again. I was disgusted. I tried to move but he slapped me and tied me to the table. It was completely hopeless to try and move now. He was taking out some tools that I never had seen before. "Now first I have a match. You are going to enjoy this Sweet pea" A sudden sizzling sound. He lit the match and places it on my leg. I bit my lip and arched my back in pain. "Oh don't do that love. Save that for later" He grinned and kept on lighting matches and pressing them into my skin. I could barely feel my legs. "W-why are y-you doing this to m-me" I stuttered, looking away from his face. "Don't talk bitch!" He put one of the matches on my right cheek. I tried to quiet my thought of screaming and just layed still. "I got something" He laughed. He pulled out a knife and I was shivering. "Stop shivering dear, it will only be very painful" he smiled and with a quick motion, cut my stomach. I squealed and he did it again. My lip was so sore now. It was the only way I could keep in the screaming. Suddenly I was slapped with something hard. "Dear, you ruined my life you ungrateful piece of shit!" He hit me again with what seemed like a belt. Then he continued to unzip his pants.

Niall's POV

Where the hell is Rachel?! I was freaking out. I ran back to the house. "I can't find her!" I said panting. Madison jumped up and ran over to me. "She's not.." I cut her off. "I checked everywhere!" I yelled and the rest of the boys came over to me. Louis put his hand on my shoulder. "She's probably fine Niall" I looked up to Madison and she nodded. "Guys, Niall and Rachel went to get coffee last night and my father is back in town" I saw fear and anger in all of their eyes. I looked up to see that they all had fiery eyes. "Why didn't you tell us?!" Harry yelled and Madison tried to comfort him. "We didn't want you guys to worry" Madison answered for me. "See where that got us!" Harry yelled again and I felt all of the guilt. It was all my fault she ran off. "Guys there's also something that happened before she ran out..." Madison looked at me waiting. I looked down. "When I went upstairs she was in the bathroom and her sleeves were up. They were new" At first nobody got it but eventually they all caught on. "We need to find her!!" They all shouted and bolted out of the door. I tried to keep up with them, panting.

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