"Hello This Is Rachel"

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  • Dedicated to Bobby and Maura Horan- For making a gorgeous Irish lad

(A/N: Updated!! (: This chapter will be short and i'm really sorry but the next chapter will be coming soon! :D     - Saraxx )

Niall's POV

"Hey there Rachel" I said smiling as she was pushed through the back door of the venue. 

"Hey" She said smirking. "Give me my bracelet back Niall" She managed to say it as if she was pouting and her bottom lip jutted out. I couldn't resist those puppy dog eyes so I gave in. 

"How'd you know?" I asked still in her daze. 

"Well I kind of noticed that clover even though I wasn't close to you" Rachel said smiling. I glanced over to Harry and Madison. I saw.. Madison has him in a... Headlock? Oh well. I won't bother them.

"Whoa Madison is strong" I whispered to Rachel. When she looked over to where Madison and Harry were she just laughed like she'd seen this before many times. 

"Are you ready to go out there Rachel?" I asked laughing at the thought of Madison tackling Harry more often if they get together. Well I mean it's obvious that he likes her and Madison REALLY likes him. 

"I.. I guess" She said taking deep breathes. I could tell she was nervous so i hugged her tightly before walking up to the door. 

"It'll be fine. Just stay close to me" I put my arm around her shoulder protectively as we walked out into the fan filled car park. Fans came running over to us but got pushed away by Paul. Even some paps were there asking if Harry and I were dating Rachel and Madison. Of course we avoided them because Rachel was squeezing my other hand tightly. I knew she wanted to get out of this crowded place, and so did I. If you didn't know I get very claustrophobic in crowds.

When we reached the tour bus we got in quickly to avoid having surprise guests in the bus. Rachel then sighed in relief as she plopped down on one of the seats. I sat down beside her. 

"You ok?" I asked. 

"That's what you have to deal with all the time?" She asked loudly. I could tell she felt sorry for me, but she shouldn't because I chose this road and I had to deal with it. I just nodded at her statement and laughed a little. It was a couple hours to drive because we were all staying at my house because there is no reason to get a hotel this close to home. When we arrived I burst through the doors and hugged my parents.

(A/N: I know his parents are divorced for the sake of the story they wont be)

Soon all of the boys were standing around laughing at jokes Louis was telling. I looked around but I couldn't see Rachel. Then I remembered .. She's still on the bus! Rachel must think i'm a jerk for not helping her out. I ran to the bus, through the doors and saw her beautiful face. Rachel was staring in awe. I'm not sure why though. 

"What are you staring at?" I asked in a gentle tone.

"You have a beautiful home Niall" She managed to say turning to face me. "So what are we doing tonight?" Rachel asked seeming half dazed and confused but her other half was glowing with happiness.

"Well. first I thought that I could introduce you to my parents and then we will take you home to get ready for tonight" I smirked knowing she'd have a fun time tonight. 

"What is it?" She asked wanting to know badly. 

"It's a surprise" I said smiling and then quickly cut her off from asking more questions by kissing her. After a few moments I pulled away shocked at what I felt when her lips met mine. I think she felt them too because she blushed a dark shade of red. 

"What was that for?" She asked bringing a small smile to her face.

"I'm sorry I-I...." I started but she cut me off by kissing me again. This kiss was more deeper than our first. Unfortunately these moments never really last, and that's when Harry came to ask us if we were coming inside. He then saw Rachel and I kissing deeply. Rachel quickly jumped at the sight of Harry catching us.. Well kissing. She blushed almost four shades of red before Harry said something.

"I see I've interupted something... Carry on" He winked at me and walked out. Rachel smiled at me shyly. I took her hand and led her off the bus into my house. When we walked in all of the lads including Madison were staring at us.Harry told them. I am going to kill that lad. I realized Rachel's hand was still intertwined with mine, I didn't mind though. Rachel and I rushed passed them so we could get out of their stares. 

"Mom this is Rachel" I said to my mom.

"Isn't she beautiful! Hello Rachel, you can call me Maura, but if you don't feel with that Mrs. Horan" She smiled almost wider than I had when Rachel kissed me. Then she went back to cooking for  Liam,Louis,and Zayn. They wouldn't be coming with us tonight. Then I took Rachel's hand again and led her to the living room where my dad was watching a football game. (Uk's version of course) 

"Hey dad. This is Rachel" I said trying not to interupt his game. He looked up and smiled.

"Hello Rachel. It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled and got back to watching the game. That went better than I thought. Rachel followed me back to the hallway where all the lads were except Harry. No Madison either... I hope they're not in my room. I was halfway up the stairs, with Rachel behind me, when I heard a shuffling noise in a room not far away. I put the 'Be quiet' signal to my mouth and kept tip-toeing until the shuffling got louder. I heard it coming from a guest bedroom. I put my head to the door. 

No Noise. Just shuffling. Of what?

To my surprise, Rachel had already began putting her head to the ground trying to see under the door in the space between the carpet and door. When she got up her face wrinkled up in disgust and yelled "MY EYES". Oh god. I know what is happening... 

"Did you see.." I asked holding in a laugh.

"Y-yes...." She said looking like her mind was mentally scarred for life. I quickly opened the door a little and there Harry was, with Madison of course. I could see why Rachel looked the way she did. I slammed the door shut and ran downstairs as fast as I could with Rachel in front of me this time. 

"Let's go back to your place, shall we?" I asked and she nodded vigorously.

(A/N: Sorry it's short but I want a clean slate for the next chapter. Love you guys! (: Please fan, vote, and comment :D anybody's POV I should do?? Please comment! (:             -Saraxx )

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