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Rachel's POV

"Morning, dear" Niall whispered into my ear. My eyes fluttered open and I rolled over to face him. "What time is it?" I asked, curiously. "Almost 11 babe" I rubbed my eyes and sat up to stretch. Niall was already dressed in a green polo and some black jeans. He looked so perfect and his hair just made it even better, it looked so soft and spikey at the same time. I sighed and got up out of bed and walked to the window. "I should probably get showered, huh?" Niall came to my side and had a worried tone in his voice. "Are you okay sweetheart?" "Yea, probably just the after effects of the medicine they gave me from the hospital" I answered quickly. Once he kissed me on the cheek, I ran to the bathroom and sat down against the door. I gripped my hair and put my head into my knees. With every ounce of the little strength I had left, I gathered my thoughts, slowly stood up and started the shower. Some part of me wanted to just sleep for the rest of the day but I knew that I had to muster every ounce of dignity I still have and get on with the day.

After my shower, I got dressed into a dark red tube top and some black shorts. I slipped on the red and black sandals I had got for my birthday last year. In fact, that was one of the only things I was given. After my hair was in a braid, I slowly put some blush on and brushed my teeth. When I opened the door, a sudden chill hit me and made the hairs on my arms stand up in fear. I continued down the stairs and to the kitchen which was spotless. "Hey sleepy head!" Madison called to me and I smiled, politely back at her. I didn't dare look around the room, the floor looked like a good alternative that is until- "Rachel!" A dish fell onto the floor and I crashed into somebody. "I'm so sorry, I thought something was wrong with my shoe" I frowned and brushed myself off, continuing to the fridge to get an apple and some water. My legs were starting to get weak and my stomach cramped up. I rubbed my stomach as I took out the apple and held it with my teeth while I grabbed a water bottle. "That's all you're going to eat?!" Madison practically yelled. "Yea... I'm not really that hungry" I smiled and sat down at the counter, puling out my phone for no specific reason and played a short game of UNO on it. "It's crabby in here, I'm going outside and enjoying the overcast while I can before it starts to rain" I said, loud enough so that everyone in the room heard me and then stalked off to the porch. I leaned against the railing and peered out over the field of flowers in the yard when I felt a hand on mine. "Hello gorgeous" an obvious voice whispered. "Not now" my mouth was a grim line as I stared straight ahead in anger and guilt. "C'mon baby. I see how you're walking. You lied to me" He said, this time more seriously. I turned around, took a bite of my apple and straightened up. "Listen, I don't want anything to do with you, I was happy until last night. Now I'm in deep shit if he finds out." I continued in a whisper. "He cannot know, Zayn. You must not tell him" I pushed him away from me and walked back into the kitchen, losing my appetite and depositing the half eaten apple in the garbage. "How did everybody sleep?" I asked. "Great!" they all said in unison. "That's good. So, what will we do today?" Liam answered me first. "We should go paintballing!" His cheeks lit up and he resembled a cute little puppy. Everyone agreed to Liam's idea and we all packed into Harry's car. I was in between Zayn and Niall. I guess I'm just the luckiest girl ever today?! I looked over at Zayn and he gave me a smirk. When I glanced over at Niall, he gave me a genuine smile. I felt so guilty, seeing him so happy. If I ever told him then he'd definitely leave me and I can't deal with that pain. I don't even know what he'd do about Zayn! He could leave the band, and I'd be the cause of everything. God, I'm such a horrible person. I wish my dad had just killed me.

Zayn's POV

Everything about her is so sexy. I don't know how she doesn't see it! Niall is way too nice for her, I can tell she needs a bad boy like me. I mean, come on. I see how she's walking and knowing that was from me, makes me such a happy guy. Now that I had her once, I want her forever. Fuck, my emotions for Rachel are unreal! She's so hot and sexy. I know I sound like I'm repeating myself but I am still shocked that she let me do what I did to her. I just have this lust inside of me that can only be satisfied by her body. You have no idea how long I have waited for last night. I had her screaming my name, I knew she liked it. I smiled at the thought and remembered her reactions. I looked at her through the corner of my eye and looked back out the window, trying to resist touching her with Niall in the car.

Niall's POV

Rachel looks pretty shaken about something. I'm going to keep my eye on her for the day. 

Rachel's POV

I hopped out of the car and almost tripped but Niall grabbed my arm and kept me up. Everyone was already ahead of us so I started walking faster. "I got you, babe" Niall said, hugging me. A shock wave went through my body and I started to tense at his words. His voice was so hopeful. He's such a sweet boy. I felt a hand on my butt and I jumped in surprise. "Niall" I laughed. He said jokingly and walked ahead of me, wobbly. I smiled at Niall's cuteness & ran to catch up with him, holding his warm hand. 

Once our gear was on, everyone spread out into different parts of the inside course. Since everything was glow in the dark, it was more difficult to shoot a target. Little did I know, I was being followed. I turned on my heels and was forced against a wall behind the course. "Who-" "Shh baby, you don't want him to hear" He pressed his lips against mine and I couldn't kiss back. "Zayn, Stop it. I don't need this." I mumbled against his lips and he released me quickly. I shot him twice and ran away as fast as I could and hid behind a little wall. As soon as I could catch my breath, I wiped my mouth off and looked around above the tiny wall then ducked. "Shit!" I heard somebody say, assuming they got shot. I couldn't help but giggle at them. For the rest of the game I kept hiding behind anything I could find and shooting as many people as I could. When everyone was finished, we made our way to the lobby to find out our scores. "Rachel, you beat us!" The boys all said in unison, making me jump. "Seems I did, lads. Better step up your game next time" I winked at them as I strutted away in victory to put back my gear. "Let's go eat!" Niall said, coming up behind me and kissing my cheek. "Good job, beautiful" He said and took my hand in his, leading off back to the car. "Where to?" Harry asked us. "Remember that place we used to go in high school, Rachel?" Madison asked me. Oh, what was the name of that place? So many memories were made there in the past few years. "Callaghan's!" I yelled. "Oh yeahh!, Let's go there!" Madison smiled. That was where Madison had her first kiss, she was drunk though.. I guess it could've been special. The guy's name was Rick, such a douchebag, I never understood what Madison saw in him. Stupid Jock. When we arrived, Madison, Liam, and Zayn got out first. I was about to step out of the car as Niall gently grabbed my arm. "May I talk to you, Rachel?" He smiled, nervously. "Of course ya can" I smiled back, not knowing what this was about.

Niall's POV


I rolled onto my back and hid behind a wall, scoping out my next target. That's when I saw her, Rachel looking her best as always. Suddenly I saw Zayn come up behind her and the next thing I knew, they were gone. I got down on my belly and crawled to the next fort to get a better look, the paintball gun in my hand ready to shoot. I heard a faint voice behind the wall in front of me. It sounded like Rachel's but I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. Damn...

{End Of Flashback}

Rachel's POV

"Do you know what's wrong with Zayn? He's been acting very strange the past two days..." Niall said, scratching his neck. I swallowed hard. "Must be getting homesick" I smiled, sadly. I'm such a horrible girlfriend.. "I think that too, but I think he's also pretty lonely" He said to me. "I think we should find him a girlfriend" I smiled, wide and looked at Niall. He smiled back to me, his cute teeth showing and his eyes shining with happiness and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. "That sounds like a great idea" Niall, held my hand and I got out of the car, running to the others with him. I can find Zayn the perfect woman, so he won't bother me anymore! Gosh, I'm a genius. Let the blind dates begin!!



Thank you so much for reading! I love all of you guise. Yes, I know that the story is changing a bit but I am trying to figure out how to use more descriptive language and have a better storyline. I hope you all have enjoyed these past few chapters :) Comment below what you think should happen next please <3

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