Thank You

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Alfred stood still as he stared at the people infront of him. Slowly a smile started to spread across his face as small tears filled his eyes. His eyes wandered around the room, looking at the decorations. He thought they had forgotten. He let out a laugh. He started to cry softly but his smile remained. He then felt his arm get tugged and trough his tears he saw Lithuania, Tolys, who was softly smiling, as he grabbed alfie's arm. He was dragged off to the kitchen where he was pushed into a chair infront of the table that had all his favorite foods on it. Lorenzo was most likely the one who cooked most of it. There was also a cake and deserts galore, thanks to Tolys. That meant that Gil and Matt set up the decorations.

They all sat down to eat. Lorenzo sitting next to Tolys who was across the table from alfred, Gilbert and Matthias sat directly next to alfred. While eating they talked about all the things they would do today. Gilbird flew from Gilbert's shoulder to alfred's head. Alfred looked up at him, and smiled, giggling. After an hours they ate the cake and deserts Tolys made.

Then Gilbert, Gilbird, and Matthias came over and gave him hugs. He smiled, happily hugging them back. Lorenzo came to him, in a somewhat reluctant manner, and gave him a hug as well. Toyls was the final one to give him a hug. Alfred stood and gave each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They all blushed causing alfie to giggle. He gave tbe best hugs and kisses.

Soon after they gave alfie his gifts and watched as he excitedly opened them. He smiled widely the entire time. He had received a set of colored pencils and a cookbook from Lorenzo, a bird plushie from Gilbert and Gilbird, a pocket knife from Matthias, and finally a locket and four new videogames from Tolys. After alfie was done opening gifts they cleaned up the trash. They then played the games Tolys got him before finishing the night off by watching his favorite movies. Some of those being 'The Avengers,' 'big hero six,' 'beauty and the beast,' and more. By the time the third movie was over he had fallen asleep cuddled up with his boy friends.

Alfie remembered that night like it was yesterday. He remembered the warmth of their hugs and the soft touch of their kisses. He felt the tears fall down his face when he realised he would never get to experience that again. He would never feel the warm embrace of his partners or hear their comforting voices. He would never again be able to cook with Lorenzo, or be able to read with Tolys, or play games with Matthias and Gilbert. He felt more tears fall. He never said thank you. He never thanked them for being there, for loving him and he regretted that immensely.

"SURPRISE ALFIE!!" they called as they walked toward his grave. Lorenzo was carrying the food, not including the beautifully decorated cake which Tolys was carrying. Matthias had balloons and other small decorations as well as a blanket and finally Gilbert who was carrying a few gifts, with Gilbird perched on his shoulder.

"Happy birthday Alfie. Here are your gifts." Gil said putting them down infront of the grave. They had all gotten him something. Matthias laid out the blanket, a super hero blanket that alfred use to love, the one they would always use when they went on picnic dates. They sat down, in a comfortable silence. They talked for hours, about anything really, from alfie to there jobs. They shared memories and stories. They sat there all day enjoying each others company. Even tho they had lost the one of their partners, they still stuck together. They loved each other and they wouldn't let alfie's death push them away from each other. He would always be in their hearts and he would always be their adorable boyfriend. A few hours later as the night began to approach, they were staring packing up, the wind decided to pick up as well. As they walked to the car to leave, they faintly heard a whisper in the wind that sound familiar.

"Thank you!"

They smiled and whispered back before leaving, waiting for the next birthday to come back and to see their lost lover.

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