Chapter 33: My Queen

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Zalgo's POV
I waited for her to arrive. Damn, what's taking her so long. I've spent the past five minutes talking with the guests I invited. It was rather odd of me to throw a gala out of the blue with no particular reason.
Suddenly, everyone's head turned in on direction and muttering could be heard.
What's going on? I thought.
I made my way through the crowd and stopped when I saw the reason for the behavior.
Y/n was there in a gown I did not know was capable of being made in the walls of my castle.

Amidst the dark coloring of the ballroom and the even darker colors of the demons and creatures within it, the white color of her gown made it appear as if she were glowing

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Amidst the dark coloring of the ballroom and the even darker colors of the demons and creatures within it, the white color of her gown made it appear as if she were glowing. She definitely stood out.
It was as if she were an angel...

Y/n's POV
I felt a little bad for making that sweet spider demon lady start all over, but she insisted it was fine since she hadn't been that far into making the first one anyway.
I was a little nervous walking through the ballroom with everyone's eyes on me. I rushed over to Zalgo's side and latched onto his arm.
     I hid my embarrassed face in his chest, "I-I'm sorry for taking so long...."
     I could hear a low chuckle emit from Zalgo's throat.
     He lifted my chin with his finger so that I could look into his eyes, "It's quite alright, my lady. You've made yourself quite the presence."
     I averted my eyes, "Y-Yeah... I didn't really like the dark colors of the other fabrics, so..."
    Zalgo smiled, "It's quite alright. Your striking appearance is fitting for a Doll like you."
     I look up and give him a closed eye smile.
     "My lord Zalgo, is she your new queen?" A demon that stood not too far away from us asked. 
     Zalgo didn't take his eyes off of me, "That is to be decided tonight...."
     I felt my breath silently hitch as he said that.
His... queen? Me? A Doll who's supposedly supposed to be his arch nemesis...? I thought nervously as I stared into his deep red eyes.
    Zalgo offered me his arm as he turned to face the direction of the center of the ballroom. I took it hesitantly and he led me through the crowded room of demons and spawns. The creatures parted for us and gave us an open space in the center of the great room.
     Zalgo put a hand on my waist and held my other hand, "Have you ever formally danced before?"
     I worriedly looked at our feet and stance, "U-Uh... I'm afraid not... I usually just do solo dance that I make up on the spot. Or- that's my preferred way. I know the Puppeteer would have me do a specific routine which I really didn't like...."
     Another low chuckle left Zalgo's throat, "Well, I'm sure you'll be able to get the hang of it. Who knows? Maybe your magic will kick in and you'll surprise me."
     I chuckle nervously as I look up at him again, my face feeling a bit hot.
     "Now then, may I have this dance?" Zalgo asks.
     I nod sheepishly, "U-Uhm... I'm sorry in advance if I step on your feet-"
     Zalgo laughs lowly, "It's quite alright my dear."
     I laugh happily as the music starts up. I trust Zalgo as a partner, I'm sure he'll teach me adequately.

~timeskip cause I don't know what to write from here :D~

Thirty minutes. It took about thirty minutes for me to get the hang of formal dancing. Unfortunately for me I may or may now have stepped on Zalgo's feet a couple of times. I got so freaking embarrassed that the second time it happened, I rushed through the crowd to escape from the embarrassment. Zalgo had to chase me and coax me before walking me back to the balcony overlooking the ballroom.
     "Oh my gosh... that... that was too embarrassing... I'm so so sorry, Zalgo... it was just too much..." I hid my face in my hands.
     Zalgo only smiled in response, "it's alright, dear. No one's pride was hurt."
     "I feel like I've lost all my dignity though..." I said through my hands.
     Zalgo gently took my wrists into his hands and carefully brought my hands from my face, "Then why don't you get it back?"
      I look at him confused, "H...Huh?"
     Zalgo stood up straight, "Use your magic. Why don't you put on a show for this whole crowd."
     I looked out over the balcony. The demons and creatures were still dancing and the mood hadn't been brought down at all.
     I sigh, "I... I've never solo danced to ballroom music before... and it would be hard to in this gown..."
     Zalgo looked at me, "I have faith in you. You're full of surprises. I'm sure you can think of something."
     I thought for a moment, then said, "Zalgo, I have a song request. It's not ballroom music, but it's nothing crazy either."
"Oh?" Zalgo leans down to my height to allow me to whisper it in his ear.
"It's called..."

The slow dancing of the creatures never ceased even though their Lord and King had to leave the ballroom. Suddenly the music switched up. (A/n: :D ya, start the video.) The demons stopped dancing and looked up at the dark purple mist that had spread into the air.
I gulped as Zalgo lept over the balcony and onto the mist.
"Wow, this is some magic," he said as he steadied himself.
He looked up at me, "Come now, princess. Show everyone in this room what you're made of."
Zalgo outstretched his hand to me and helped me over the balcony and onto my mist. I took a deep breath as all eyes came onto the two of us. I decided to only concentrate on Zalgo as if it were just the two of us in the room.
"Right. Let's do this." I took his hand and begun my own, personal, non-Puppeteer routine for the song.
Zalgo was surprisingly able to fit into the routine perfectly.
I struck up a conversation as we danced, "So... did you really mean it when you said that it would be decided on whether or not I'll be your queen...?"
Zalgo averted his eyes nervously, "Well, yes, y/n. I'd very much like it if you could decide. I've grown to enjoy your company."
It's been what, two days...? I thought, a bit exasperated. I must really be charming, huh....
"Well, it's not like I have anywhere else to go. I'm definitely not returning to the Slendermansion that's for sure. So... I mean I do wanna stay here, I'm just not sure if I necessarily want to be your queen. Not yet at least."
Zalgo nods his head, "I see. Well you're welcome to stay here."
I smile at him, "Thank you. I appreciate it."
We continued dancing, and it felt like my dignity returned. Perhaps this night isn't going to be such a disaster after all....

A/n: thank you all for waiting so damn long for an update. :'D At first, I neglected this book because I was focusing on my Ulric x Reader. THEN it was because I was focusing on an important Haikyuu angst fanfic on Ao3 (it'll be finished soon. Idk if anyone's interested.) So I freaking PROMISE I'll try to be more active on Wattpad now. Thanks again. :'D love y'all. 💕

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