Chapter 35: The Garden

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Y/n's POV
     A day has passed since Vincent arrived. His words about the state of the mansion I left behind wouldn't leave my head.
So does this mean... they're looking for me? I think.
     I sit up from my bed, rubbing a hand on my forehead, "I'll be fine with Zalgo though, right?"
     He's a demon lord who wants world domination, I mean, surely he can't be weak.
     I stand up and get dressed for the day.

     I opened the bedroom door and walked outside

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I opened the bedroom door and walked outside. I was immediately greeted by the five ghosts of Freddy's.
"Hello, mistress!"
"Did you sleep well?"
"How are you doing today, miss?"
I chuckle softly as the glowing figures flew around me, "I'm doing just fine, everyone. Thank you for asking."
They surround me as I walk through the castle towards my dance studio.
"Where are you going today, Miss y/n?" Susie asked as she hovered to the side of my head.
"I'm going to my studio!" I reply to her, happily.
"Oh boy!" Fritz cries out. "Will we get to see the mistress dance today?"
I laugh, "I'm not sure. Right now I'm going to it because I'm feeling a bit stressed right now. Think of it as my sanctuary."
"Why is the mistress stressed today?" Jeremy comes up from underneath my arm.
I sigh, "Lately there have been things in my mind that are making me nervous. I'm worried that my old Creepypasta adversaries may be looking for me right now."
"Oh..." Jeremy slinks back under my arm, sad.
"We'll keep you company, madame! Don't you worry!" Gabriel said, reassuringly.
I smile at him, "thank you, Gabe. I'll need the company since I don't think I can afford to always be bothering Zalgo with my presence."
     "What ever made you think such a thing?"
     Speak of the devil. I turn around to face the demon lord. A bit frightened, the five ghosts hid behind me.
     "Good afternoon, Zalgo. Fancy running into you here...." I rub the back of my neck.
     He smiles in response. "I can say the same to you, my dear. Do you have a moment?"
     "Well, I was just on my way to my studio, but it's more than alright. I can come with you if you need." I say.
     The ghost children were slowly beginning to peek from behind my form.
Zalgo nodded, "Right then. Would you follow me?"
I don't respond. Instead I immediately walk up to him and smile. He smiles in response to my own.
We begin walking through a different part of the castle.
I look up at him, "Where are we going today, Zalgo?"
"I'm about to give you a gift." He replies, looking forward.
I turn my gaze in front of me at the response.
A gift? Oh god that could mean a lot of things... Crap, is he gonna propose??! I frantically think.
Zalgo lets out an amused laugh. I look up at him. This was the first time I'd ever heard it. Every other time he's only chuckled.
"No you silly girl. It's much too early for that." He says after his laughter died down.
"I didn't know you were so eager for such an action."
I avert my eyes and press my lips into a thin line at his flirtatious comment, "My guy, you know for a fact I didn't mean it like that."
Zalgo let's out one of his low chuckles, "Yes I suppose you're right. After everything that's happened to you, I figure that something as preposterous as that wouldn't be too far out of the question. Well, let me ease your mind by saying that's not what I'm doing right now."
I let out a relieved sigh, "Oh god, thank you. I have no idea what I would have done with myself if you did do something like that."
     "Well don't you worry, dear. You won't have to expect a proposal for a very long time." Zalgo says as he opens a door for me.
     "I'm not sure if I like what that implies...." My voice trails off as I look at where the door opened to.
     Before me and the ghosts was a darkened garden filled with flowers and soft grass. It was more eerie than enchanting.
"Well?" Zalgo says, leaning down to look at me.
I clasp my hands together, "It... has a very strong presence to it...."
I knew this was the gift he said he'd give me. I carefully chose my words as an attempt to not dishearten him.
Zalgo's face fell, "Oh... I see.... It is... unfortunate that you should feel that way about it...."
     I quickly turn to him, "I-I'm very sorry! I... I don't mean to hurt you!"
     I turn to look at the ground, "I know you probably put a lot of work into this place. I'm sorry... I'll try to get over it! I'll-"
     Zalgo kneels down and takes my face in his hands, "No. No, don't do that. It's fine. Don't force yourself to change the way you feel. It's not good for you or your powers."
     I look into his eyes, "Ok."
     He smiles, moving his hands to my own, "Thank you."
     Zalgo then stands up and turns around, "Well, with that done, we can go back."
     I stare sadly at the garden, still unsettled by the vibe I was getting from it. I couldn't help but feel that bad things happened there.
     "Y/n?" Zalgo turns his head to look at me.
     "Oh! Uh yeah I'm coming!" My head snaps back in his direction as I follow him back into the main part of the castle.

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