Chapter 39: Return

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Y/n's POV
It's dark.

I feel numb.

The world is empty around me.

     I wake up with a start and yelp at the sudden bright light shining down into my eyes. I find myself sitting up on what seems to be an operating table. Looking over myself, I seem to be fine physically other than the faint ringing in my ears and the roaring headache I felt within the deepest parts of my brain.
Gently, I put my fingertips against my forehead, hissing at the contact. What exactly happened again? I remember being taken back to the mansion by the Slender Brothers after visiting the garden. I tried to escape and ended up confronting Slenderman and....
I shivered at the thought of the black thing. What was its name again? I vaguely remember Slenderman speaking it.
Looking around at my surroundings, I realize I'm in some sort of infirmary. The black and red interior looked very familiar.
I gasped, had that thing really brought me back to Zalgo? I try standing up, but my knees buckle from underneath me and I'm barely able to keep myself up by leaning on the table.
I groan, could this be an after effect of the black thing bringing me here?
The door to the infirmary opens, and I see an unfamiliar demon hover in through the black spots in my vision. I hear a raspy gasp from the creature, and it freaks out a bit seeming to have a hard time deciding whether to go to me or leave. Eventually, after a while of nervously looking around, it turned around and called someone over before rushing out. A couple of other demons come in and help me back onto the table.
The sounds around me are muffled and the ringing in my ears grows louder. The voices of the demons telling me to lay down are all distorted. My vision begins to blur as I see the infirmary door open as the demon who first came in and a tall dark figure rush into the room. I hear a deep, muffled voice shout orders at the other demons, shooing them away from me. As the tall figure gets closer, I'm able to make out a familiar pair of horns protruding from his head.
He reaches out to me as I try to do the same towards him. Very hoarsely, I try to speak his name,
I feel myself fall back into the darkness before I can feel his touch.


I can feel myself waking up, but my eyes are still shut. There's something holding my hand, I can feel the touch of another person. Why can't I open my eyes yet?
".../n.... y/........... lease..... ke up....."
A voice...? I can't hear it completely....
"Y/n.... It's gonna be ok...."
Is that... Zalgo?
"Ugh.... Does he always have to go this far...? Y/n, you could've gotten seriously hurt...."
This is really frustrating, my eyes haven't opened up yet.... Come on, body.... Wake up!
I tried to move the hand that Zalgo was holding. I was able to get it to twitch some.
Zalgo seemed to notice, "Y/n...? Are you awake?"
Eventually, I was able to squeeze his hand back in response.
I heard the sound of what seemed to be a chair skidding against the floor, "Y/n?! Can you hear me?"
I squeeze his hand again.
I feel him place his other hand on the side of my upper arm.
I can feel the consciousness begin to flow through the muscles in my body. My squeeze my closed eyes as I gain control of my body again. My body tenses up as I squirm around on the table a couple times before I yelp and my eyes finally open.
"Y/n!" Zalgo says happily.
My breathing is heavy, and my body is still tense. I begin to crumple up into a ball in response to this slightly panicked emotion flowing throughout me.
Zalgo immediately responds to this, "Hey, deep breaths y/n, deep breaths. You've gotta calm yourself down, okay?"
I keep panting, "Wh-What's happening to me...?"
Zalgo sighs, "What you're experiencing right now are the main affects of Enmity's powers. The blackouts and headache as well as the loss of sight and hearing are all side effects of the demon warping you here. But the panicked state is the affect of simply being in contact with Enmity."
Enmity. So that's its name.
I shakily look up at Zalgo, "Just... what kind of demon is this Enmity anyway."
A small smile makes its way onto Zalgo's face, "An astute question, for Enmity isn't your typical demon. Enmity is a kind of demon that manifests itself from a specific negative emotion. In Enmity's case, that emotion just so happens to be agony."
I ponder on this, remembering how Slender referred to it as agony.
I guess this is why, I thought.
Zalgo continued, "If there is enough of a single emotion in a concentrated area, a demon can be born from it. Depending on the emotion and the quantity of it, strength and power will vary from demon to demon. Since agony is such a strong emotion felt everywhere, Enmity is one of the few demons of his kind that is particularly powerful."
"So is that why it made me feel all panicky?" I asked.
Zalgo nodded, "Yes, I'm sure. These kind of demons are able to inflict their core emotion onto another individual such as yourself. However, this ability doesn't work on other demons of its kind."
I look at him, wide eyed, "So it could inflict emotion on even you?"
Zalgo chuckled, "Technically speaking, yes. However different people will respond to different emotions in their own way. There's no saying how I might react to Enmity doing such a thing or if it would even work in his favor."
I shuddered at the word 'his'. Enmity seemed much more like an 'it' than a 'he'.
I looked down at my hands and noticed that they seemed much less shaky than when I first woke up.
     Zalgo looked at my hands, "Feeling better?"
     I nod, "Yeah, I'm not as tense."
     Zalgo tilted his head, "Do you think you can stand up?"
     I remembered how I nearly collapsed the first time I woke up.
     I shuddered, "I don't know.... I don't think my muscles are ready yet. But I really don't want to stay in this room anymore."
     Zalgo nodded, "Yes, that's fair. I suppose I could carry you to your room for you."
     I shake my head, "Uh, I dunno. I don't want to sit idly, and I want to stay with you."
     Zalgo chuckled, "Alright then Miss picky, let's start by getting you out of here and then decide what to do next."
     I gasped, "I'm not trying to be picky!"
     Zalgo laughed lightly, "I know I know, just teasing."
     I grumble, narrowing my eyes, "Well fine then, meanie. You want Miss Picky, I'll give ya Miss Picky. I want you to give me a piggy back ride instead of bridal style!"
     Zalgo smiled an I-asked-for-this smile, "Of course, my lady."
     He got up and turned around so that I could carefully latch myself onto his back.
     I giggle as he carries me to the door, "Thanks, Zalgo. Now let's go!"
     Zalgo smiles, "Yes. Let us go indeed."

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