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"Look, I get it that you guys are dating and stuff, but Piper is one of the smartest people I know when it comes to History and I really need to improve my grades." Mercedes said, as she walked with Piper and Quinn toward an empty table for the three of them to have lunch together now that Shane had a study group for Geometry. "So, really, what I'm asking is... Can I borrow your girl for one project, Quinn? Just one."

At that, Quinn laughed, rolling her eyes a bit as she placed her tray down on a table.

"Fine." She relented dramatically as Piper laughed at the two of them. "But just because I really like you, Jones."

Mercedes laughed as well, but before she could even say anything, all the other glee girls gathered around the trio like hawks.

"Mercedes, what's the deal with you and Sam?" Tina asked, as Mercedes choked a bit in her drink in surprise and Piper giggled at the harsh approach Tina had chosen to have with the subject. "You've been stealing glances in the choir room, and you still haven't told us what happened over summer vacation."

Mercedes looked over at Piper then and, when her best friend shrugged with an amused smile, she sighed.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay." She said, as everyone squealed and gathered around closer to her.

"Go." Rachel urged excitedly as Mercedes rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"It's true. Sam and I spent a lot of time together at the lake." She admitted as the girls all squealed. "And... We had a fling."

"How was it?" Sugar asked, as Mercedes shrugged quietly with a smile.

"It was... It was amazing." She sighed and when Piper rolled her eyes at that, Rachel quietly moved to stand just behind her and Quinn.

"Well, don't think we forgot about you two." She said, as Piper scoffed and Quinn just blushed a bit, trying to bite back a smile. "Come on... You have to tell us about your summer too."

"There's nothing to tell, Rachel." Piper mumbled as Tina shook her head then.

"Nah-ah." She said. "You two have been dating on the down low since Nationals and we need to know everything."

"That's right." Brittany said, as she sat down in front of Piper and all the other girls took their seats in the table Mercedes, Piper and Quinn were in, expecting a full rundown of their summer relationships over lunch.

Knowing full well they had no other option then, the three of them exchanged glances but shrugged at one another before relenting.

"Fine." Quinn started as all the girls leaned as close to her as possible practically hanging onto her every word. "So, really, it started for all of us during prom last year, actually..."


"Finn, give me a drum roll!" Mr. Schue said, as he entered the choir room that afternoon.

Running up to the whiteboard, the teacher started to write what was supposedly the theme for that week as Finn gave him the drum roll Mr. Schue had asked for and all the other kids started to read out what the teacher was writing.

"Marry me." They finally decoded when he was done.

"Question mark!" Sugar yelled excitedly as Piper gasped, surprised with what was happening that day.

"Yes, I am proposing to Ms. Pillsbury." Mr. Schue said then, smiling when all the kids cheered and clapped. "This is the kind of news that you share with your family, and you guys are my family."

"Mr. Shue, we're so happy for you." Rachel said, as Quinn nodded.

"We totally don't think you'll screw it up this time." She joked as everyone chuckled.

Picture Perfect - Book 3 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now