Extraordinary Merry Christmas

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"Wheels, Porcelain, Lady-Lover..." Coach Sylvester said, as Artie, Kurt and Piper sat in front of her at her desk at her request. "The Yuletide is upon us, and everyone knows that Cistmas is a time for forgiveness, so I have decided to forgive you for having no talent and ruining the American songbook one mash-up at a time. I've also forgiven you for forcing me to run in and promptly lose an humiliating statewide election."

At that, Piper frowned a bit, biting back a smile as she tried not to laugh at the coach's usual antics.

"We... Accept your forgiveness?" Artie mumbled, a bit confused.

"Now, Christmas isn't just a time when Jewish kids get slightly uncomfortable and dwarves get jobs as Santa's helpers in demeaning nonunion commercials that make them quietly die inside. No, Christmas is also a time to give back." Coach Sylvester continued as Piper tilted her head surprised by the fact that she was actually agreeing with her this time. "Which is why, this Friday, I am volunteering at the Lima Homeless Shelter. And I thought maybe you and your fellow glee clubbers might want to pitch in by giving the gift of song."

"Coach Sylvester, I've heard you say on several occasions that you don't believe in homelessness." Kurt said, as Piper nodded.

"You said you considered homeless people urban campers." She said, as coach Sylvester sighed, standing up from her seat as she walked toward her window to look out of it.

"Can I be honest with you, Stumbles, Gelfling, Less Hot Emma Watson?" She said, causing Piper to frown a bit, surprised by the backhanded compliment. "I lost my sister this past year, and this will be my first Christmas without her. And honestly, I'm just trying to keep myself occupied, I... I made plans to shoot reindeer from a helicopter with Sarah Palin, but she canceled. Apparently,.Todd gets fussy when she misses his ballet recitals."

At that, the three kids exchanged glances, still rather shocked by the whole thing, but deciding not to argue too much in fear of scaring the good out of coach Sylvester. Nodding at her friends, Piper turned to the coach with a smile.

"We'd be happy to help." She said, as coach Sylvester smiled. A genuine one this time, too.

"Oh, that's fantastic." She said. "And now, in the spirit of Christmas, get the hell out of my office."


Quinn laughed at the usual banter between Mercedes and Piper as the three of them walked together into the choir room.

"We might have spent our entire decorating budget for the whole year, but with something that looks as absolutely fabulous as this, I have to say, brav-ho-ho-ho." They heard Rachel say as her and Santana stood admiring their fancy Christmas tree.

"It does look great." Quinn commented as Piper nodded.

Before she could say anything else, however, Finn walked into the room with Rory.

"Hey, everybody, listen up." He announced, as everyone moved to take their seats. "My man Rory Flanagan here wants to say a few."

"Thanks, Finn Hudson." Rory smiled as Finn clapped him in the back before going to take his seat beside Rachel. "So, guys, my mummy was going to come visit for the holidays, but plane tickets are expensive, so it's my first Christmas without any family. I'd like to cheer myself up by dedicating this song to them... And to the King."

"Jesus?" Kurt asked quietly as Piper frowned, kicking the back of his chair lightly.

"No." She said, as Kurt rolled his eyes at her.

Before either of them could say anything else, however, Rory had already started singing his version of Blue Christmas as Piper smiled a bit, too entranced by his sweet tones to even say anything really. Piper clapped when he was done along with everyone else. Santana didn't seem all that impressed by the performance, however.

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