Saturday night gleever

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"I'm thrilled you got into Defiance College and Cleveland State, but what about NYU?" Kurt asked as him, Mercedes and Piper stood together by his locker.

"I'm not going to New York, Kurt." Mercedes sighed.

"You can't stay here in Ohio, Mercedes." Kurt insisted as Piper stood there quietly with her arms crossed over her chest. "We're all going to New York. Rachel, Finn, me... Blaine next year when he graduates. Besides, Piper and Quinn will be close by in Yale."

"I still don't know if I'm going to Yale." Piper interrupted as Kurt shrugged, throwing his arm over her shoulders.

"Of course you will. They'll be dumb not to accept you." The boy said, as Piper sighed. After all, that wasn't exactly what she had meant.

Before she could even start thinking about something to say to change the subject, a new person appeared and stood beside them all as he smiled.

"Kurt Hummel? Mercedes Jones? Piper Snow?" He asked, as the three of them frowned at the new, unfamiliar kid. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm your biggest fan. I've been to every last one of your performances, except West Side Story. I boycotted that one because you weren't Tony, Maria and Anita."

At that, Piper raised an eyebrow, surprised to see that anyone would go to all these lengths to see her perform considering she had even barely had a solo before. Obviously, however, Mercedes and Kurt were flattered and, with a smirk, Kurt was quick to close his locker and turn to the new kid.

"Why, hello, kind sir." He said, as Piper chuckled a bit at his theatrics. "I don't believe I caught your name."

"Wade Adams." The kid introduced himself. "I go to Carmel High. And I'm in Vocal Adrenaline, and I know we're supposed to be archenemies, but I swear, I'm not here to spy. I want to ask your advice about something."

Exchanging a glance, the three best friends decided to give Wade the benefit of the doubt, so, nodding a bit, Mercedes spoke up.

"Let's go find an empty classroom so we can talk better."

And so they did. Walking into the empty Bio class, the three of them sat together as Wade stood in front of them, starting to tell everything about the problem that had brought him there. And as soon as he said the name of the new Vocal Adrenaline coach, she understood what the problem was.

"Our coach is Jessie St. James." Wade said, as Piper scoffed.

"God, he's awful." She said.

"He's nothing compared to the kids at school... Or my parents." Wade said, and, at that, Kurt and Piper exchanged a glance. "Do you know how I get through it? Ever since I was a kid, I would play this game where I'd pretend I was a different person, the person that I dreamed of being... The real me. I even have a different name: Unique. I got so nervous, I almost didn't speak to you guys today. But then I thought, how would Unique do it?"

"I'm sure Unique would have some sass, am I right?" Piper asked, as Wade smiled with a nod.

"Definitely." He said.

"Unique sounds like a really great person." Kurt smiled too. "I hope that, one day, you can build up enough courage to be him."

"Actually, Unique's a her." Wade admitted and, at that, the three older kids gasped quietly. "That's why I want your advice. Our Regionals are this Saturday, and I want to go on stage wearing a dress and heels. Because that's who I feel like I am inside."

"Unique." Piper whispered as Wade smiled.

"Yes." He nodded, as Mercedes, Kurt and Piper exchanged a look. "What would you do?"

Picture Perfect - Book 3 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now