You WHAT!?

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A/n: 𝙂𝙪𝙮𝙨 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙤 𝙄 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄𝙢 𝙜𝙖𝙮?

Another a/n: Guys all of the characters are all 18 or 19. All of their faces are like in the season 4. And Marco's looks would be like what Isayama drew if Marco is still alive in S4. Yeah slicked back Marco🛐

All eyes are set on you.

"Okay I'll tell it" All of them started smilling and grinning, you saw Sasha and Connie making bets.

"But!" You raised your index finger"

In one condition" you tried to look serious but you can't because Connie's muccus is going out of his nose. You threw a tissue at his face and he used the tissue to wipe his mouth then inhaled his muccus in his nose. You tried your best not to laugh.

"No one should judge me and this just happened once okay? and it will not happen 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣" you said.

"Ahh I think I know already" Jean yawned.

You sighed"I did the deed with someone last night...b-but I wi–" you got cut off by Sasha's loud voice.

"You WHAT!?" You flinched and just lowered your head due to embarassment. You are ready to be scolded by Sasha.

"Its your first! Im so happy for YOU!!!!"
You looked up. Shocked. Your mouth is open due to disbelief. You were expecting Sasha to rage but no.

Connie lift his hand and started smacking Sasha's back

"Oi,oi,oi! Stop making excuses I won!" Connie shouted while smacking Sasha's head.

"Hey, stop smacking her head" Niccolo joined in.

"Yea, Connie stop smacking Sasha's head she'll become dumber" Jean laughed. You sighed and noticed someone is looking at you and you can see in your peripheral view that its Marco. You looked at him and he looked away immediately. Blushing. Why is he so adorable.

The three four stopped and continued eating again.

_________________________________________Time skip brought to you by Yelena's fake beard
After the finished eating, Niccolo volunteered to wash the dishes.(just imagine that this University is very rich that it look like a fancy apartment)

Marco tapped your shoulder gently"H-hi its me again" while scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey" You smiled then he blushed.

Marco looked at his feet amd you could feel his nervousness.

"Um, C-can I get your n-number?" Marco let out.

You look at him and smiled."Yeah sure why not" Then he looked at you and smiled. His smile is contagious.

He handed you his phone and started pressing the screen. You stopped and look at him.

"Is this for you or for him" you used his phone to point at Jean where he is looking at you.


Guys! Choose One choice. ONE CHOICE ONLY.

A. The owner phone is Marco
B. Its Jean's

I hope there will be answers.

*the voting already finished. Thank you

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