𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏.

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Arthur and Eleanor left the comfort of the Hotel bed and each other's arms, trading it for warm bowls of oatmeal at Keane's Saloon. The both had agreed it was best to eat at the smaller and less attractive Saloon then Smithfield's where the crowd from the night before would be rolling out slowly. 

As Eleanor filled her stomach with the warm oatmeal, she couldn't help but notice Arthur looking over at Keane, the man who worked behind the bar and owned the Saloon. She kept quiet, pretending like she hadn't noticed him staring at the other man. 

"You're both real brave showing your faces around here," A voice broke Eleanor out of her appetite, her eyes darting to the man who stood beside them. It was Keane. Eleanor immediately looked at Arthur, her hand slowly sinking away from her spoon and sitting on her revolver ready to unhoslter the weapon that could decide the fate of the man.

"Don't you worry about us, we'll be gone soon enough," Arthur grumbled before taking another spoonful of his oatmeal, not batting an eye at the Saloon owner. Keane looked at Eleanor before his attention turned directly onto Arthur.

"Son, this is my Saloon. I'll worry about folk if I feel the need to," The man informed Arthur who continued to eat his oatmeal. On the other hand, Eleanor was turned off from her food and focused on the man, watching him carefully while her hand rested on her revolver. "That blonde bounty hunter... what'd you do to him?" Eleanor's eyes immediately dropped to the wooden table, the vivid memory of her knife sawing his fingers off in revenge for purposely trying to kill her from infection. For working with Micah. 

Arthur dropped his spoon, looking across the square table at Eleanor when he noticed the woman immediately freezing up. He looked up at Keane. 

"Ain't no concern of yours, you just worry 'bout your business," Arthur warned him from questioning the both of them any further. While Arthur seemed to be unbothered by the nosey Saloon owner, Eleanor's mind was trapped in the thought of the gory act she had done, remembering the now deceased man's screams before he would pass out. 

Eleanor was broken away from the thought when a hand plopped down onto their table, a rag in his hand from cleaning shot glasses. Eleanor looked up at Keane to see him with his back slightly to her, looking at Arthur.

"Damn right I will. When there's two wanted criminals in my bar it's going to scare of folk-"

"You really think you get too many customers when there's another Saloon up the road that doesn't have a invasive Saloon owner?" Eleanor snapped at him, unable to listen to his questioning any further. Arthur looked at Eleanor in surprise, Keane turning his head at her. 

"Excuse me?" He hissed slightly. Eleanor narrowed her eyes at him.

"Some times it's best to keep your mouth shut, after all curiosity killed the cat," Eleanor warned the man. "Now, will you let us eat? We're doing no wrong here. We will eat and leave, right?" She looked over at Arthur for his support. Of course Arthur nodded, looking up at Keane who seemed to be outnumbered. 

"Best listen to the lady, partner," Arthur muttered. Keane looked between the two of them before scoffing at them both. He soon after left the two of them, retreating from the two outlaws and returning back to his bar. 

"Why did he ask about David?" Eleanor asked Arthur, her voice low in a whisper. Arthur looked across to her, his eyes flicking to Keane for a moment before back onto her. 

"I had to park up out the front when looking for David, Pinkertons and lawmen were everywhere. Keane came out and talked to me, figured I ain't good news from one of my visits in the past. But he told me about David and that he was here," Arthur explained to her, keeping his voice so the Saloon owner wouldn't overhear. "Guess he figured I wanted something from him since David went missing after I asked."

𝗖𝗨𝗣𝗜𝗗𝗜𝗧𝗬 𝗜𝗜 ➳ 𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗣𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝗜𝗜Where stories live. Discover now