𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐.

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Eleanor looked out from the barrels the two of them took cover behind, her eyes widening in slight startlement as she spotted a brave idiot approaching them. She fired her revolver rapidly, the gun releasing two bullets one after the other. Both bullets added two extra holes in the man's head, his body falling over backwards. 

"Guess we have our answer," she muttered to Arthur, now knowing that the man was not alone.

"Goddamnit!" Eleanor heard a familiar voice in the distance. Her eyes narrowed as she thought hard about who it could've been, but with the mix of gunfire it was difficult to figure out who it was. Determined to find out who it was, Eleanor quickly fired again, hitting a man who was further away in the shoulder and then the chest. The man looked down at the round hole in his chest as blood began to pool out of his mouth and down his chin. He fell over, beginning to choke on his own blood.

As for Arthur he had already taken down two men himself. The man let out a huff of triumph as his bullet successfully hit the man behind the tree, getting his revenge from his failed shot on him. Sure, his shoulder was screaming in pain from the graze of the hot bullet sent spiralling out of the gun's barrel but it was nothing like the pain these men would be facing in the next few seconds. Arthur hissed between his teeth as he aimed his gun on one more man before watching them begin to push up.

"They're pushing up!" Arthur informed Eleanor who had noticed it as well.

"They know they've got us outnumbered," Eleanor shouted over the bullets. The woman quickly ducked back down when a bullet fired at her, whizzing past her from behind the barrel. If she had stayed there a moment longer she to would have an extra hole in her head. "What do we do?" She turned to Arthur, her eyes dropping down to follow his hand as it reached into his satchel as an idea sprung to his mind.

"These bastards want to play huh?" Arthur muttered to himself before pulling out a red dynamite stick. Eleanor's eyes widened in shock, unexpecting the man to be carrying dynamite on him. "Well we'll play. You keep shooting while I light this up," Arthur ordered her. 

Eleanor didn't hesitate to fire a few bullets at the men who were slowly but surely pushing up on them. She got one man in his left knee cap, causing him to drop and cry out in pain as his knee bled. Her aim shifted to another man, hitting him clean in the head with a bullet. She flinched as a bullet splintered the wood of the barrel she hid behind before shooting again.

"Arthur, I can't hold them off for much longer!" Eleanor cried out to him in worry as her heart began to race as they were still outnumbered. Mary sure had a lot of guns, a lot of guns all here for her. 

"Get down!" Arthur shouted at her. Eleanor quickly ducked down as Arthur threw the dynamite away from them and towards the line of men approaching them. Arthur pulled Eleanor towards him, his arms wrapping tight around her before the loud boom of the dynamite erupted, the ground beneath them shaking.

The gunfire was silenced and Eleanor's nose was filled with burning flesh, smouldering smoke and gunpowder. The two sat together for a moment, listening for footsteps or more gunshots but nothing followed. Arthur slowly peered over the barrels they hid behind before ducking back down and letting her go slowly.

"I think we got them all, just be alert though," Arthur informed in a hushed voice. "Might still be some lingering around somewhere." Eleanor nodded, her ears ringing slightly from the loud boom of the dynamite. She knew Arthur's were ringing too as he rubbed an ear with his finger. Eleanor got up, her eyes widening in horror at the sight before them. Only a moment ago was there life.

Now the place was surrounded with smoke and black soot on the ground, covering the bodies of the men who were slowly pushing up on them. Eleanor walked over to the bodies, looking down at one of them to see his flesh slowly burning. She swallowed her disgust, walking over to another body. Her eyes widened in horror to see this man missing limbs, both his arms and a leg. 

Eleanor had only heard tales of dynamite and it's significant damage. She had never experienced it's damage until now. The ground was covered in blood, some men were completely blown to pieces. Eleanor's eyes spotted an arm in the distance, frowning in disgust. 

"Hello Eleanor, we meet again," A voice hissed behind her. Eleanor turned around quickly to find herself staring at Mister Peters. Eleanor immediately grabbed her knife and slashed at his arm, a ripping noise was heard as the blade of her knife cut through the sleeve of his shirt and into his flesh. He groaned in pain before drawing his revolver. Eleanor noticed this and quickly jammed her knife into his shoulder, the blade sinking in. He roared out in pain before whipping her across the face with his iron weapon. Eleanor's head spun from the hard blow before feeling the man pull her towards him. Her vision spun but she saw Arthur run around the corner of the building after hearing the commotion, his hands slowly raising as she felt the barrel of a gun press to the side of her head. 

"Easy there!" Mister Peters shouted at Arthur who looked straight at Eleanor. Eleanor blinked a few times, trying to stop her vision from spinning with her head. "You let me take her and I'll let you live. Mary needs her more than you do."

"Like hell she does," Arthur retorted back at the man, his hands still up in the air by his head. "Let her go, buddy. This feud is between them. You don't need to be dragged into this mess," Arthur tried to persuade the man. Seemingly he didn't like that as he pressed the barrel into her skin, Eleanor gasping in alarm as she waited for him to pull the trigger. 

"I'm involved because I'm getting paid. Turn around and leave or I'll have to kill you. Either way, I'm taking the bitch," He threatened Arthur. Arthur looked at Eleanor for a moment, his eyes filled with rage at the man's threat. Eleanor groaned in pain from the whip across her face as she tried to wiggle free. She grabbed his hand that held her to him, trying to pry it off of her but he only tightened his grip. 

"Okay, okay. I'll go," Arthur informed, sounding convincing enough. The twinkle in his eye said otherwise. Arthur began to back away, Mister Peters beginning to feel proud of himself as he began to pull her along with him. They began walking backwards, Mister Peters dropping his gun believing he was in the clear before the loud crack of Arthur's revolver rung out. His grip on her dropped immediately, Eleanor ducking slightly unsure if he was dead or not. Eleanor wiped the blood splatter off of her cheek before turning around to see the man with a hole in his forehead, blood beginning to pool out from the back of his head as he laid on the ground.

"Shit," she muttered at the sight. He was a bigger fool then she thought to believe Arthur. She felt a hand on her shoulder, looking to see Arthur now by her side. 

"You okay?" He asked her. Eleanor nodded at him before reaching down and pulling her knife out of Mister Peters' shoulder. She wiped the blade clean on the leg of her jeans before holstering the weapon. 

"If only I got him in the damn chest," Eleanor muttered, feeling disappointed in herself. Ever since she had been taken she had been sloppy since. She should've known he would be here. "Would've made it a hell of a lot easier."

"He's dead now, that's all that matters," Arthur encouraged her to move on and see things as what they were right now. Eleanor looked at him before back down at the corpse at their feet. He may have been dead but the damaged he caused would forever live in her head. 

"You're right. Thank you," She thanked him for saving her once again. This was becoming a reoccurring thing for him. She grabbed his hand before stepping up on her toes to kiss the man's cheek. She felt Arthur smile under her lips before she pulled back, a smile on her own. "Let's go, we got what we need," she patted the pocket on her jeans. Arthur nodded before the two of them headed to their horses, this time they were successful to reach them.

Seyfret was stomping his hooves in fright, frightened from the sudden gunshots. Eleanor comfortingly petted his neck.

"Easy, it's okay," she whispered to the horse, attempting to calm him down. After a few moments of comforting, Seyfret soon began to calm down. Eleanor put her foot in the stirrup and pulled herself up into the saddle, grabbing her saddle horn for balance. 

"The cut on your eyebrow's bleeding again," Arthur pointed out as he rode over to her. Eleanor held two finger against the cut, pulling it back to see blood. She sighed at the sight, the bastard had reopened the wound. "We'll have to get it stitched again."

"Yeah," she mumbled as she gathered her reins. The two riders moved onwards, Eleanor looking over her shoulder at the sight behind them. It looked like a warzone. She looked forward, not wanting to look at the mess they made any longer. 

𝗖𝗨𝗣𝗜𝗗𝗜𝗧𝗬 𝗜𝗜 ➳ 𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗣𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝗜𝗜Where stories live. Discover now