Chapter 14

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Jimin POV

I f**ked up

Oh god I f**ked up

What the f**k is wrong with me!

The boy screamed at himself inside his head the whole drive back to the dorms, holding back the tears threatening to spill over at any moment. 

He looked down at his phone and typed out another long-winded apology to Y/N, trying to articulate what he felt but being unable to put it into fewer than a couple thousand words.

Jimin barely lifted his head from where it hung, eyes glued to the open messages.

He read and reread his unsent paragraph as he made his way from the car, through the foyer and into the elevator that lead to his dorms.

He pressed send for the 7th time.

"And now I'm acting like a psycho" He sighed, biting his lip and blinked back tears before sinking back against the elevator as he rode it up to his home. 

The second the elevator doors opened he ran straight through the front door, throwing his bag to the side and storming down the hall to his room. 

"Jiminie! How did it g-"


Jimin wasn't in the mood to try and talk to anyone about what happened today. 

He face planted onto his bed and let his mind reel, allowing the tears to finally spill over. 

He sobbed.

Relentlessly, he sobbed, only taking a break to try to call Y/N or write out another long message.

Flashes of Min-Jun flew through his head a million miles a minute from earlier that day.

His addicting laugh and contagious smile.

The way his little cheeks puffed up when he was happy and how he looked at him, like he was one of his favourite people even if they only knew each other for a moment.

And the way Y/N looked at him when he left Min-Jun there, crying on the gravel path.

When he left them both to run away from that old couple.

His ego getting the better of him, like it always did.

As if every single person in the world could recognize him.

Her final words echoed inside his head like a scream in an empty cavern...

"You do not get to be a part-time father. You do not get to treat him like that."


Stupid stupid stupid!

Another sob wracked through him at the thought that Y/N might not let him see Min-Jun again, and another when he realized how foolish he had acted.

Was leaving his son behind, a son he had known all of five minutes, worth his greed for complete anonymity in his personal life?


It wasn't.

Hundreds of different emotions flooded his mind and all he could do was pull his knees up to his chest and rock back and forth.

A knock on the door came, for the 100th time that day.

But he couldn't hear what his friends were saying over the sound of how hard his heart was beating in his chest.

The tears for his actions turned into tears for something else, a feeling that had been sitting dormant in his stomach since he found out.

At this point he wasn't even sure how long he had been sat there crying for.

My Little Mochi - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now