Chapter 12

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After what felt like forever, the day had finally come.

You spent the whole night before laying awake, staring at the ceiling.

The pit of nervousness in your stomach not easing up no matter how much you had tried to talk yourself down.

You felt so out of your depth looking blankly into your closet, the simple task of choosing something to wear felt like the worlds most difficult task right now.

"I still think you should wear something special, you know? Dress up and make him regret ever letting you go!" Ji-ae chimed in from the edge of your bed, holding out a black Versace dress with gold trimmings. "Besides, nothing says 'disappear again and I'll make you disappear for good' like Vintage Couture."

"Ji, I'm just trying to reconnect Min Jun with his estranged father... I don't want to be sending out the message that my billionaire husband just died mysteriously..." You spat back, stifling a laugh.

Even if Ji-ae wasn't the most book-smart girl out there, she rivaled no one with calming you down in situations like these.

"Well, can't say I didn't try..." She sighed dramatically, tossing the expensive garment onto your bed before stalking out of your room.

You eyed it as she left, the idea of wearing it becoming more tempting as the minutes passed.

It was basically just a glorified sundress, which was perfect for a sunny day like today.

And you were planning on going to the park anyways.

You scrunched up your eyebrows as you thought about it seriously, weighing out the pros and cons of flashing such luxury at a man who was definitely capable of recognizing it's worth.

You decided just to try it on, eyeing yourself in the mirror once you had, trying to decide whether it was too much.

Yeah, this isn't going to wor-

"NO! STOP IT!!!!!! MOMMY!!!!!!!!!"

At the sound of Min Jun's scream, you dashed out into the hall, frantically scanning the living room for him.


"NO NO NO!!!!!"

You ran into the kitchen at the sound of another scream, stopping dead in your tracks at what you saw.

Min-Jun, laid face first on the floor, sprawled out like a starfish.

Ji-ae was standing above him with one hand on her hip and the other on the bowl of cut-up apples.

"What's going on?" You sighed, the panic from before dispersing as soon as you discovered the non-emergency.

"SOMEONE, not naming names, is having a tantrum because he wants oranges today."

You groaned, plopping down onto the ground in front of your grumpy son.

"Min-Jun" You said sternly, tapping the boy on the shoulder, "We don't have oranges, you told Mommy and Auntie JiJi that you don't like oranges anymore, so we didn't buy them for you."

"NO NO NO!!!" The boy screamed again, kicking his legs and flailing around on the ground, his face still firmly planted on the floor.

You glanced up at your best friend, who was grimacing at the loud high-pitched shriek.

You could have sworn that he was a banshee in a past life.

"Min-Jun, get up and eat your apples please." You said calmly, hoping to diffuse the situation with niceties instead of meeting his level of anxiety.

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