Chapter 15

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The quiet rev of your engine did nothing to drown out the endless ringing of your cellphone.

It was the fourth time now that you've tried to contact Jimin with no answer on his end.

You sighed and slumped into your seat, the darkness of the parking garage of your apartment complex thankfully providing a place of solace for the turmoil you were facing tonight.

As soon as you found out where he was you would go to him, you would go to him and let him explain.

Min-Jun deserved a father in his life, and you would do all you could to help Jimin fit into that roll, so long as it was moving in a good direction. It was no use letting your protective instincts destroy something before it could even come to fruition.

Jimin had as much of a right to be in Min Jun's life as you did, as much as it pained you to admit it.

Before you could rationalize further the phone on the seat beside you began vibrating.

You frantically grabbed at it, nearly dropping it in your desperation to answer it.

"Hello? Hello, Jimin? Is that you?" You rushed out all at once.

"Y/" A stuttered intake of breath coming through the receiver made your heart clench, "You picked up..."

"Jimin, where are you?" You pleaded, "Can you tell me where you are, please?"

You heard some rustling on the line, a muttered curse word, before you heard his breathing again.

"I'm in Yongsan... at the park" He whispered quietly, his voice shaking slightly as he spoke.

"Where in the park? I'm coming to get you," You demanded softly, throwing your car into drive and speeding out of the underground.

Yongsan was about a 10 minute drive away, so long as there wasn't any traffic, which seemed like the case once you pulled out onto the main road.

"You sh-shouldn't... I'm not..." Jimin started, in between quiet sobs, "I'm not worth it."

Your jaw clenched at his words, the sound of a broken man grabbing at your heart strings.

"Don't say that, I'm coming to you and we'll talk, okay?" You tried to reassure, suddenly feeling awkward and inexperienced all at once.

It's not like you didn't date or have guy friends around after you had Min Jun, but you certainly weren't an expert at understanding men in general either.

Not to mention the whole co-parenting thing was proving to be much more complicated than you could have ever anticipated.

How did a play date with your son turn into you chasing your crying baby-daddy down in the middle of the night?

Before you could say anything else the line went dead.

You fumbled to call Jimin back without taking your eyes off the road, almost calling emergency services before finally pressing on the right number.

Bringing the phone to your ear and readjusting your hand on the wheel you waited in anticipation for him to answer.

You turned sharply onto a toll road, not worried about the charges you'd have to pay later in an attempt to reach the park a few minutes faster.

"Damn it" You muttered to yourself when the ringing stopped and his voicemail started.

You punched the redial button and waited again, the sound of his voicemail making you shudder with anger.

My Little Mochi - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now