Chapter 19

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You woke with a start, the all-too-familiar yelling of your son in the distance ripping you from your dream.

Your dream was actually nice for once, although the contents made you a little uneasy.

Jimin had taken you and Min Jun to the ocean, he was building a sandcastle with him. The laughter of your son and the smile on Jimin's face wrapped your soul in a warm blanket. It was so calm and happy that you wanted to stay in that dream a little longer.  

That was until you thought a little deeper and realized how woefully unprepared Jimin was to be a dad, and how horribly complicating this entire situation was.

You humored yourself for a moment longer, thinking back to another time when returning to sleep was a possibility, before reluctantly swinging your legs off the bed and making your way over to Min-Jun's room.

"Mommy," He whispered when you stepped in, his eyes wide with fear and confusion.

"What's wrong my little Mochi?" You cooed, kneeling beside him on the floor.

"I heard something..." He replied, holding onto his stuffed Chimmy tightly.

"What did you hear?" 

"I heard... I heard..." He buried his face in the doll and turned away from you. 

You tried to hide the smile threatening to break when you heard him rummaging under his pillow, you knew exactly what was about to happen. 

"Min-Jun," You played along, reaching over to tap him on the shoulder.

As fast as he could manage he pulled the spiderman mask over his head and flipped back to face you, "I HEARD A MONSTER!!!!"

You feigned a scream, ducking down beside his bed for cover as he flung himself onto you. 

"MOMMY!! I SAVE YOU" He screeched, clutching at your shirt and burying his face into your neck.

"Thank you Mochi, what would mommy do without you," You hushed him softly, smiling and stroking his hair. 

"Breakfast?," He mumbled, his words muffled by the fabric of his mask.

The sudden change in mood had you laughing, leaning back to pull the mask off of his little head, "Of course."

He squealed with joy and darted out the door, leaving you on the ground of his room.

You peeled yourself up to a standing position, rolling the kinks out of your shoulders and mentally noting that it was perhaps time for a well deserved massage. 

Ji-ae was already making coffee and preparing breakfast for Min-Jun when you entered the kitchen, her eyes darting to you when she heard you come in.

"I think you left your phone out here last night," She stated, passing the device over to you, "Which is super unlike you. Is something wrong?"

You yawned, taking the phone and tapping the screen to see what you'd missed.

"I fell asleep reading to Mochi last night and didn't want to bother coming back out to grab my phone after I woke up," You said, eyes scanning the notifications which mostly consisted of emails.

You noticed Jimin's name pop up under missed messages and instantly tapped it to open the chat.


Jimin [4:26am] : Hey! Good Morning! :)

Jimin [4:26am] : I was looking up some places I think Mini would like and I found this really awesome children's museum I didn't even know existed! 

My Little Mochi - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now