Chapter 2

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"Mommy! Mommy look!" Min-Jun shouted.

You heard his tiny feet running full speed down the hall outside your room.

You were fixated on your computer screen, the latest BTS news splayed across your browser's homepage.

You were fixated on your computer screen, the latest BTS news splayed across your browser's homepage

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The more famous they get the more I have to look at his face.


Pulling you out of your thoughts, an smile instantly formed on your face as you looked over at your little man who was all dressed up beside you.

Pulling you out of your thoughts, an smile instantly formed on your face as you looked over at your little man who was all dressed up beside you

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"Well don't you look handsome! What's that you're wearing?" you asked, bending over to kiss his little cheek.

"Auntie JiJi did it!!" he bounced happily, clapping his hands together.

"Auntie JiJi gave you these new clothes?"

The little boy nodded his head at you excitedly, jumping a little before turning around and running back out into the hall.

You laughed, closing you laptop to follow after him.

"Hey Ji" you called, making your way out to the living room.


You turned the corner to see her cross-legged on the floor, neatly folding up Min-Jun's pajamas.

"Did you buy new clothes for him again?" you asked, resting against the arm of the sofa.

She scoffed at you incredulously.

"Of course I did! A handsome little man like him deserves a new outfit every day!"

You rolled your eyes, making your way to the kitchen.

"If you spoil him too much we're going to end up with a little brat" you joked.

"Not unlike his father then" she spat.

You paused in the doorway of the kitchen, turning around to raise your eyebrows at her.

She instantly noticed your reaction, dropping her head in guilt.

My Little Mochi - Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now