Old Habits Hard To Die Especially For The Wonder Duo

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Silence engulfs the common room with the fact that Izuku is the only one in there. His body lying sluggishly on the sofa while in contrast, his mind works endlessly with his thought, try to organize what happen yesterday and process All Might advised to him this morning.

It's already half in the day and Izuku already feeling a little bit better since his talk with All Might. When he came back to the dorm no one tries to crowd him with a question or unnecessary attention and he's very grateful for that. You see, Izuku hates being pity by others. It's already bad to be sawed in his lowest state and to being added with pity look by others, hell no.

' Am I that dense when it comes to my own emotions ? ', he thought while recalling his memories of his conversation with All Might.

Izuku hates to admit it but he knows deep down how further he in his persona. When Izuku still a kid he already being faced with a lot of discrimination especially about his status as a quirkless. Everyone pities him and some of them avoid him like a plague. Being constantly forced into uncomfortable and painful situations made him mature much faster than any other kids around him. His family, friends even society already failed him, he knows it.

He thinks the only reason why he still being this positive and 'kind' to the world is gonna be his hero complex. He loves to help people and he loves heroes in general. It's always gonna be the sad truth for him. He holds this much pain by himself and forced it deep into his heart. He abandons the pain and tries to make this whole positive and hero persona just for the sake to save himself from the real harsh of the world. He knows it, he just doesn't wanna acknowledged it.

His friend and even his teacher believe in his persona, or is it. Besides, being the only son from the Midoriya family made him naturally keep a lot of stuff just for himself. From an outside perspective, his family is always well known as a family full of kind and sweet person but the fact is, they're actually very secretive. Not much people know other than basic things when it comes to the Midoriya family.

Izuku as the only child of Midoriya of course past this nature from his family, even Katsuki can't say that he knows Izuku well. The only thing that made him know more about the Midoriya family and Izuku is just because they spent their childhood together and both of their moms are best friends.

Without that fact, no doubt he gonna be in the same position as his classmates when it comes to knowing Izuku, basically know nothing. Thinking about that fact made Katsuki pissed especially after saw that nerd face yesterday crying uncontrollably even to the point passed out.

Katsuki hates Izuku...no... no... it's more into like loathe him,

the reason.., it's simple, in his mind.. , his twisted mind and his ego is the one that actually hates Izuku,

but his heart, no he can't hate him... not with a fact that he the one that being asshole in here.

Katsuki knows the fact that he in the past is very messed up. He not blind and not gonna justify what he did either but, being brainwashed every day that what he did actually it's okay by people around him, and even being praised made his mind clouded to the point it's just turning into habits and habits turn into personality. This bitterness that haunted him especially after his fought with Izuku in ground beta made him so upset to the point he mess his sleep schedule. That's why he asks his old hag to take him to a psychiatrist. It's a secret for people around him. Even Izuku didn't know it. The only one in UA that knows this is only his family, his caterpillar teacher, and Hound Dog just because he's the school counselor. So far Katsuki still being wary when it comes to talking about his twisted mind and emotions in every session but again, he knows if he wants to become a better hero and to surpass that nerd, he knows he needs to change and become better.

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