The Forgotten Feeling

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As a human everyone has basic emotions. It's something that you got since you were born. Something that didn't need to be taught, but not for Izuku. Everyone always thought that Izuku likes an open book. He always looks so innocent and happy in front of everyone that they never really have a second thought that maybe he actually has a dark past and his life actually is more mess than that. This thought got confirmed after saw his mom when she visited him to dorm once and saw how amazing she's really made everyone just silently agree on how good his life.

This morning when breakfast, everyone discusses Izuku and how concern they are while the boy itself still sleeps in his bed. No one really dared to wake him up after saw how tired his looks according to the statement from Iida as the class alarm. So they just let Izuku skip out breakfast and save his part in the fridge, just in case if he wakes up before lunch and got hungry.

Katsuki itself maybe look like he didn't give a shit in outside but actually, he's more softie than what people think. Katsuki knows Izuku since their baby but the amount of knowledge about Izuku father to him actually is very little. He even knows about Izuku father is trash from his mother and his mother even didn't know the whole story too.

After breakfast, they decide just to chill and hang out in the common room. Well, it can't be said that they really just chilling together. It's actually more into a secret meeting about Izuku situations and how they can help him cuz after they saw how their happiest friends are actually more mess than they thought it's made their heartbreaking.

As time goes by The chatter grows louder and the intensity of their opinions getting thicker. Everyone is so concerned that the fact they try so hard to actually help Izuku and that's a big surprise for Izuku himself. He saw they discuss silently from the kitchen while eating Katsudon made by Katsuki for a while now. He didn't know why they so 'enthusiasts' to help him and It makes him wonder about how important his existence in class that even can lead his friends to act like this.

"Oh!! Midoriya..." Surprise Jirou, " Uuuhhm... how in there ?" Ask her

Jirou question to Izuku made the whole class got silent and the best representative of what just happen it looks like they're a kid that got caught bad talk his friend to the strangers.

" Well, I think.... 10 minutes ago..." Said the main attention of today's topic. Afraid made his friends feeling uneasy Izuku try to change the topic from his situation, " Uhmm... by the way thanks for the Katsudon Kacchan", said him.

" Wait !! How do you know that the one cook is Bakugo ?? ", Ask almost scream Kaminari

" Well....back in the days Kacchan sometimes cook food for me and my family so It can be said that I am pretty familiar with his cooks.....What ?, Is it weird..? "

" No..No..No, it's not weird it just we never thought you gonna know it that quick, besides this's pretty fascinating that you can differentiate it, " Said Mina

" Yeah, It's almost your palate is design for Bakugo food, Interesting...", add Momo


" All Might came ? ", ask clueless Sero, " And how did you know he got a headache? "

" Your lazy ass never gonna meet him. He came by this morning when I want to start cooking and you guys can't see shit, he looks like got hit by a bus and still got home alone with bicycle so of course, he got a headache "

" Ooohhhhhh... ", half of the class said it simultaneously

" Eh.. really oh...well then I gonna met All Might now. Uhm... thanks Kacchan !"

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